I'm a newbie - and i've got an interview!

i passed my cat C in February and have applied to every job i can find (local paper , job centre website). last week i had an email saying i have been selected to attend an interview. the job is driving a refuse collection vehicle, for kerbside recycling. i have no experience.

can anyone offer any advice as to what questions may be asked, things to say and NOT say etc

any advice received gratefully, no matter how small.



Research the company - check out their website if they have one.
Watch one of their recycle trucks for a few minutes so you know what’s involved - maybe have a chat with the driver & crew :bulb:

Be honest at the interview

A lot of people would disagree with me but I would turn up wearing a suit.The way I see it is that a job interview is a formal occasion and should be treated as such,had someone rang and asked you to “pop down for a chat”,you could get away with wearing casual clothing, because that could be classed as an informal occasion.To wear the appropriate clothing for the event shows respect for the interviewer.Others will tell you to turn up wearing casual clothes because you may be expected to have a driving assessment, don’t fall into that trap,read the invitation carefully and if all it mentions is an interview ,that’s all you should go dressed for.A certain mentality thinks that if you are going for a menial job then you don’t need to put much effort in,“I’m not getting dressed up,I don’t want to be the Managing Director”,they are wrong.
If I’m ever being interviewed at the actual site that I could be working at I always ask for a tour of the place,It breaks down some of the formality of an interview ,sets you apart from others and gives you the opportunity to ask more questions that you may have not otherwise thought of.If you are still unsure of anything ,contact the company.

A quick afterthought,wash your car or if it’s a wreck ,park it out of site.A scruffy car puts the idea into someones head that you don’t have much respect for property,they might think that you will treat their truck like your car.

Have a read of the “Realy Realy Depressed” thread for some tips in interview etiquette.

Good luck, hope it’s what you want and you get it and even if it’s not what you want to do long term it’s a rung on the ladder. I will also get you used to manoeuvring in tight spots.

Remember, if you don’t get it on the way home call into Toys R Us and buy some toys and dummies. ~Then log on here, throw toys and dummies and call everyone on here a Completely Useless Nasty Trucker because you didn’t walk into the first job you interviewed for. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

Remember, if you don’t get it on the way home call into Toys R Us and buy some toys and dummies. ~Then log on here, throw toys and dummies and call everyone on here a Completely Useless Nasty Trucker because you didn’t walk into the first job you interviewed for. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

Like this chap !! :wink:

And the award for pointing out the bleeding obvious once again goes to ROG! :unamused: :unamused:

And the award for pointing out the bleeding obvious once again goes to ROG! :unamused: :unamused:

He needs to get those posting counts up, you know that


And the award for pointing out the bleeding obvious once again goes to ROG! :unamused: :unamused:

He needs to get those posting counts up, you know that

Yeah, now I’m not working and have more time on here he is looking over his shoulder and running scared. :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s why he is now appearing in the OD’s and Euro forum giving advice and answers on subjects he has next to zero knowledge about. Not my words, they were in a PM someone sent me a couple of days ago. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

If I gave the wrong info then I do apolgise.

Perhaps someone would be so kind as to put a link to the post concerned and mention what the error was please

No ROG that was the link, Neil and I were just sharing a bit of banter on your behalf :grimacing:

Feel free to join in chap, the more the merrier :smiley:

Back o/t.

I’ve driven my fair share of bin wagons via my agency and it can sometimes be very challenging having to reverse into some very narrow roads. Some companies are not as professional as others and it will depend on whether you are working on a council contract or not. Be prepared to do some your fair share of loading. Most wagons have a driver/loader and a loader, your loader is god and will know the best route and where the best cafe’s and sandwich shops are that have an “unofficial collection” in exchange for copious amounts of coffee and breakfast bin lids! :wink:

An employer is looking for a safe pair of hands who is a quick learner. Bin trucks have an enormous amount of bumps and knocks with parked cars. Most have cameras fitted and if in doubt you always have someone with you to help you reverse.

The smell at the waste reception depot is nasty but that is an incentive to tip and get out of there asap!

Anything else you want to know feel free to ask.