LGV TRAINING TIPS [Reworked 01/02/2022] (Read only)

This is a very simple explanation for the two types of DRIVER CPC.

There are TWO types of DRIVER CPC.

The INITIAL (to get a C1 or C licence) & the PERIODIC (ongoing) for when you have the C1, C or C+E licence

The INITIAL driver cpc is purely for a C1 or C licence acquisition and is about the same as what is done now but with some senario questions added as an extra theory test and a half hour extra of questions about certain areas of safety which may include physically showing the examiner how to strap, chain, rope a load etc

The PERIODIC driver cpc is to be (unless they change it) an ATTENDANCE of 35 hours of training at an approved centre or with an approved trainer. It needs renewing every 5 years and can be done in 5 x 7 hour sessions, which can be spread over the 5 year period.
The 7 hour sessions can be split into 2 half consecutive days.( 2 x 3.5 hours)

If you have a C1, C or C+E licence on 10 Sept 2009 then the 35 hours will need to be done by 10 Sept 2014 to retain your right to drive LGVs COMMERCIALLY (getting paid to drive LGVs for a living).
Please note: - This does NOT affect your right to retain your LGV licence.

Those that pass the INITIAL driver cpc after Sept 10 2009 will have to do their PERIODIC driver cpc within 5 years from their pass date - the 5 year expiry date should be on the issued DRIVER CPC QUALIFICATION CARD (DQC).

The medical requirements will not change.

The upgrading to a C+E licence will not change from what it is now.

Those who have grandfather rights for the driver cpc and have never been issued with a DQC now have the choice of either doing the initial or periodic to gain the first 5 years

I Hope that I have managed to make things a little clearer.

The DRIVER CPC is not the same as other CPCs