I have the chance of buying a 7.5 tonne skip lorry with 3 midi skips but i was put off by the need for an operators license and all the crap that goes with it but the present owner says i do not need an operators license as long as i’m not operating more than 80 miles from base? I don’t believe this to be correct as i thought any vehicle used for hire and reward and over 3500kg needed one…any advice appreciated
Yeah i know about the waste carriers license you just apply to the council for that but its the operators license thats worrying me. I would only be doing it part time so if i have to fork out for things like 6 weekly checks and all the other stuff then its probably not worth the hassle and expense.
It’s a gray area or loop hole in the law, the load in the skip becomes yours once you have given a waste transfer note so you are transporting your own goods so would only need a restricted license.
Basically if you bought a car then transported it home on your vehicle it’s your car so it’s not hire or reward.
It’s a gray area or loop hole in the law, the load in the skip becomes yours once you have given a waste transfer note so you are transporting your own goods so would only need a restricted license.
Basically if you bought a car then transported it home on your vehicle it’s your car so it’s not hire or reward.
Maybe a skip operator or someone from VOSA could answer the question?..
It isn’t a grey area at all. The OP said it was for hire and reward, he isn’t buying the contents of the skip, he is moving it for reward to a disposal or landfill site I presume. If he owns the waste and uses it in his own business he may be able to use a restricted licence.
A standard operators licence is required to carry other peoples’ goods for hire or reward, as well as your own goods within the United Kingdom even if only occasionally.
we run skip wagons 7.5t and 18t and 2 32t hookloaders all on restricted due to once the stuff goes in the skip it belongs to us .
had many inspections with vosa etc and all has been fine for last 3years and yes we make money from it and spoke with vosa on many occashions to be told the same it only requires restricted .
due to the nature of our buissnus we deal with many other waste managment companies who also have restricted o licence .
only problem you will find with skips is there is so many pickups driving around your working for nothing unless you have some decent contracts to start with as there moving rubbish and fly tipping for price will cost you just for the diesel
Does a restricted license still require 6 weekly checks and for you to have a certain amount of money to carry out repairs etc for 3 months in advance and have an operating site/yard.
It’s a long time since I look in to applying for a O license but I do remember that a CPC holder was not required for restricted license is that still the case…
It’s a long time since I look in to applying for a O license but I do remember that a CPC holder was not required for restricted license is that still the case…
That is correct, but you still need to prove finances, parking and maintenance deals are in in place, and that you will behave