My Mate Colin’s truck sat in my yard a few weeks ago
My Mate Colin’s truck sat in my yard a few weeks ago
Seen it before!!:
My Mate Colin’s truck sat in my yard a few weeks ago
andySeen it before!!:
Amazing what sandpaper & a lick of paint can do
Regards Chris
A challenge to any enthusiest, but well worth the effort, Old Jimmy [Jakey] Adams swore by these Scammells & would have been delighted had he been alive today, He was a dedicated haulage man very hands on, he was a true gent, ask anyone that worked for him, I liked the old Scammells myself, never drove a Crusader , but I did have a Mitchilloti Handyman PVM.508.J. great motor. Regards Larry
I did a 5 year apprenticeship at British Leyland Transport Dept, Cowley, Oxford in the early 80s. We had Mastiffs, Mandators, Boxers, Chieftans, Clydesdales, Buffalo’s, Reiver’s, & a single left-■■■■■■ Marathon that apparently we got for £1, transfered to us from the Unipart Racing Team! The Transport Dept at Longbridge used to run the engines to Cowley with a nice little fleet of Crusaders, our Transport Manager tried to get them at Cowley but was told we couldn’t have them because we didn’t carry the weight like the LongIbridge/engines! Couldn’t quite figure that one out, cos what were the 20+ loads of steel a week we used to bring up from Llanelli then? Anyway, they were a great looking wagon, the Longbridge drivers loved them!
Regards Chris
A proper working truck (pinched this pic from facebook), now being restored:
Would you know it this Scammell was originally a day cab? Regards Larry
Lawrence Dunbar:
A proper working truck (pinched this pic from facebook), now being restored:
Would you know it this Scammell was originally a day cab? Regards Larry
She must of been recabed by Addams then . I have been in her she isn’t a conversion !
john morris:
Lawrence Dunbar:
A proper working truck (pinched this pic from facebook), now being restored:
Would you know it this Scammell was originally a day cab? Regards Larry
She must of been recabed by Addams then . I have been in her she isn’t a conversion !
It must have been the first sleeper cabed one Adams got, they had some day cabs first, the driver as far as I know was Angus Armstrong, he had it from new.Regards Larry
Lawrence Dunbar:
john morris:
Lawrence Dunbar:
A proper working truck (pinched this pic from facebook), now being restored:
Would you know it this Scammell was originally a day cab? Regards Larry
She must of been recabed by Addams then . I have been in her she isn’t a conversion !
It must have been the first sleeper cabed one Adams got, they had some day cabs first, the driver as far as I know was Angus Armstrong, he had it from new.Regards Larry
Vjr 537t was a Adams day cab , got a pic of this in it’s final resting place .Colin who owns wtn has spoken to Adams and they remembered her as asleeper cab !
Well the V reg must have been the first one, Regards Larry
Lawrence Dunbar:
Well the V reg must have been the first one, Regards Larry
Sorry larry you lost me , first what ? & what v reg ?
john morris:
Lawrence Dunbar:
Well the V reg must have been the first one, Regards LarrySorry larry you lost me , first what ? & what v reg ?
Sorry about that I meant VJR. Regards Larry
Another one of good ol’ Dennis Anderson’s crusader. RIP.
It was an ex-middle east vehicle of Reece Brothers, London E14. (Think it was called Olui Line or something similar)
Scammell at work! Pinched from fb.
Scammell at work! Pinched from fb.
What would be the GTW there then? - cracking photo- looks like the NCR?
Scammell at work! Pinched from fb.
What would be the GTW there then? - cracking photo- looks like the NCR?
The whole caboose about 95 tons about 75 for the transporter rig with tank about 20 tons for the tug but I’m a bit rusty now.
thanks harry long retired
Scammell at work! Pinched from fb.
What would be the GTW there then? - cracking photo- looks like the NCR?
The whole caboose about 95 tons about 75 for the transporter rig with tank about 20 tons for the tug but I’m a bit rusty now.
thanks harry long retired
Harry you won’t be far out it depends what’s on the antar but I would say 95 is minimum and pulled by something rated at 65 GTW so the crusaders were just the same as the old scammells 50% extra no problem
cheers Johnnie
Scammell at work! Pinched from fb.
What would be the GTW there then? - cracking photo- looks like the NCR?
The whole caboose about 95 tons about 75 for the transporter rig with tank about 20 tons for the tug but I’m a bit rusty now.
thanks harry long retiredHarry you won’t be far out it depends what’s on the antar but I would say 95 is minimum and pulled by something rated at 65 GTW so the crusaders were just the same as the old scammells 50% extra no problem
cheers Johnnie
Now there’s a surprise Johnnie someone agreeing with me, mind you I did have to give the old grey matter a good raking over before I could work it out took me all of two minute, you never loose it eh’.
thanks harry long retired.
Scammell at work! Pinched from fb.
What would be the GTW there then? - cracking photo- looks like the NCR?
The whole caboose about 95 tons about 75 for the transporter rig with tank about 20 tons for the tug but I’m a bit rusty now.
thanks harry long retiredHarry you won’t be far out it depends what’s on the antar but I would say 95 is minimum and pulled by something rated at 65 GTW so the crusaders were just the same as the old scammells 50% extra no problem
cheers Johnniehiya,
Now there’s a surprise Johnnie someone agreeing with me, mind you I did have to give the old grey matter a good raking over before I could work it out took me all of two minute, you never loose it eh’.
thanks harry long retired.
Cheers for the replies.What would the BHP be on that motor 300?