These guys have some good value ones at £199.95 inc vat and a Q&A page with what you need to have in each country: … deptid=295
If you are coming up here to Norway…
Please bring enough chains, that actually fit your truck…and trailer…
If you don’t have them, you might get parked up…until the weather change…which might be in may.
Or, the police will make you buy massively overpriced chains from the recovery firms.
Keep a good bit of weight on the drive axle, especially if you have an euro-spec 4x2 and 3 axle trailer.
Not that I really care all that much, but it will make your trip lots better.
If you are coming up here to Norway…
Please bring enough chains, that actually fit your truck…and trailer…If you don’t have them, you might get parked up…until the weather change…which might be in may.
Or, the police will make you buy massively overpriced chains from the recovery firms.Keep a good bit of weight on the drive axle, especially if you have an euro-spec 4x2 and 3 axle trailer.
Not that I really care all that much, but it will make your trip lots better.
I know this is from 2011 but now we have control at the border crossings,or so they say,7 Chains are required on a typical Artic lorry,i see them every winter,same old companys stuck on a hill,in a corner going up or down the hill,same old problems,no chains,not enough chains,chains that dont fit,chains that have beed borrowed from a mate who is going south,makes me laugh,but its serious stuff,people do die every year due to lack of good chains,
Hi Chris.Not driving related but i see on your site it says North Norway.I’m just curious as to where you are as not many people from North Scandinavia are on the forum.Mike
Hi Chris.Not driving related but i see on your site it says North Norway.I’m just curious as to where you are as not many people from North Scandinavia are on the forum.Mike
Hi Mike,I have lived in Hammerfest for 15 years and now i am in Alta,love the place,people,nature,snow,winter,lack of traffic,ext
Hi Chris.Thanks for that,i live near to Gällivare and work part time in the mine [as i’m old i decided i only have to work part time here and still have a good life].‘‘Work to live,not live to work’’.
For the last few winters i have been going with and old Dutch colleague to Tromso,Hammerfest and Kirkenes as second driver with a fridge truck occasionally.It helps them with the tacho rules as they load fish back for Holland round the North.
As you say. ‘‘love the Life up here’’.after living for 30yrs in Holland it really is a ‘‘breath of fresh air’’.Mike
For Norway:
Missing chains 5000 NOK
Not using them when they should have been used is 11000 NOK
If you are coming up here to Norway…
Please bring enough chains, that actually fit your truck…and trailer…If you don’t have them, you might get parked up…until the weather change…which might be in may.
Or, the police will make you buy massively overpriced chains from the recovery firms.Keep a good bit of weight on the drive axle, especially if you have an euro-spec 4x2 and 3 axle trailer.
Not that I really care all that much, but it will make your trip lots better.
I know this is from 2011 but now we have control at the border crossings,or so they say,7 Chains are required on a typical Artic lorry,i see them every winter,same old companys stuck on a hill,in a corner going up or down the hill,same old problems,no chains,not enough chains,chains that dont fit,chains that have beed borrowed from a mate who is going south,makes me laugh,but its serious stuff,people do die every year due to lack of good chains,
I’m heading as far as Oslo next week it’s motorway all the way, I have the obligatory 2 sets, am I likely to need the complete 7 sets and what’s the likelyhood of getting checked at the border ?
It is still seven sets of chains you need, plus winter tyres on all axles. You might be unloading in Oslo, but whos to say you wont pick up a load to Tromsø there and so on. Afaik the checkpoint at Svinesund is open round the clock now and without chains and tyres you wont be going anywhere.
AS REGARDS AUSTRIA–[: Auch in Österreich kommt die Winterreifenpflicht
- Dez, 2007
Ab dem 1. Januar 2008 dürfen in Österreich Pkw und
TransÂporter unter 3,5 Tonnen Gesamtgewicht bei
winterlichen Straßenverhältnissen voraussichtlich
nicht mehr ohne Winterreifen gefahren werden. Unter
winterlichen StraßenverÂhältnissen versteht der Gesetzgeber
Schnee, Matsch und Eis. Das Gesetz soll zwischen dem
- November und 15. April gelten. Ohne Winterreifen würden
dann Bußgelder und Geldstrafen zwischen 35 und 5000 Euro
drohen. Außerdem bestünde die Möglichkeit, dass das
Fahrzeug vor Ort aus dem Verkehr gezogen wird. Zusätzlich
weist der Reifenhersteller Semperit Reifen darauf hin, dass
in der Deutschen liebsÂtem Reiseland für Winterreifen eine
Mindestprofiltiefe von vier Millimetern gilt. Eine Pflicht zur
Winter-Ausrüstung von Lkw gibt es in Österreich bereits.
Die gesetzliche Regelung wird voraussichtlich am - Januar nächsten Jahres in Kraft treten]new-law[/url]
YOU NEED TO carry snow chains, and the fines can differ from
€35–up to€5000 also take note if winter conditions
are out side the dates stated above you still need
to carry snow chains as they can and will fine
you if stopped and checked or when you get caught
out by the weather,
have found this as well
The list above is from 14.08.2007, hope that is is of use
sorry no translation found at present ,
best thing to do when it snows and you cant drive.
pull up and pull the curtains and get the beers out.
never carried snowchains in my life and all the years i travelled to italy over the alps.
i did pull the curtains a few times though.
i have a new pair of snow chains that are for sale 07866 035 062
It seems like a case of, if you aint got em you aint going nowhere!
I only ever fitted mine once cos it was too bloody cold. mind you I had a twin steer and they didnt do a lot of good anyway.
I had automatic snow chains made by Swish. when you need em the curtains come round
im sure that snow chains have to be carried between oct 15 and apr 15 [/u]
from Dunlop tyre company,
-Winter Rules for Europe
Austria Snow chains from 15Nov until 15march
for all vehicles over 3.5tn Coach, trucks
Tread depth Min 4mm on your winter tyres
which you must have on your Drive axle
Bosnia Snow chains from 15Nov until15April
Minimum 1set for drive axle ,Tyre Tread depth
4mm Min, You must carry a shovel with you as well
Bulgaria Snow chains 01Nov until31,March
Minimum 1set for the Drive axle,
You will be refused entry to Bulgaria if you
have NO snow chains,
Czech Snow chains to be carried by all vehicles
from 7.5tn and higher, speed limit with snow chains
on is 50kph Tyre tread 1.6mm MIN
Croatia Snow chains to be carried, and when the
snow ice is 5cm thick they are to be used
shovel is to be carried as well, Tyre
Min Entry to Croatia with out the correct
winter equipment may be forbidden
Estonia Winter Tyres from 15Nov until 28/29 Feb
Tyre tread Min3mm
Finland Winter tyres from 01DEC until 28Feb
Snow chains must be carried Tyre tread 3mm Min,
Fines will be adjusted to your Income
France Snow chains are to be carried, for use as
and when required
Germany Winter tyres to be used when the winter
weather starts, ,Snow chains to be carried and used when the
road requires the use or when the sign
Tyre tread min1.6mm
Fines for not having the winter equipment start at €20
Fines for being a Hazard to other road users because of this start
at€40 and 1POINT ON YOUR LICENCE; they (FINES) can be
Winter equipment includes having de-icer in your window screen
water bottle, shovel, would be handy aswell,
Hungary Snow chains to be carried and used when the road conditions require
Tyre tread 1.6mm Min
Italy Winter Tyres from 15Oct until15April (or as and when the
Italian authorities say you must use them)Snow chains must be carried and used when
the weather conditions require their use ,Headlights to be on during the
day, Tyre tread1,6mmMin.
Macedonian Snow chains from 15Oct until15March
Tyre tread Min 5mm
Norway Winter Tyres from 01Dec until 31March
only for Norway ,s transport
Snow chains are to be carried and used from16Oct until
30thApril, in certain regions of Norway Tyres tread 3mm
Min ,
Poland Snow chains to be carried and used where
Portugal Snow chains to be used in certain areas
in the mountain’s parts of Portugal
Romania Snow chains When the roads are
snow or ice covered and/or The snow chain sign
is posted (as shown in German post) Tyre tread Min
3mm, VEHICLES OVER 12TN may be subject to a
driving ban, as and when it is in Force.
Russia No winter tyres or snow chains are required
apart from in the Ural mountain’s,
However, ask those who go or have been there and
they will say have both winter tyres and snow chains
plus a good night heater(ARTIC —FOX one of the best)
Sweden Tyre tread 3mm Min,
read the post above, it applies to here as well
Switzerland Snow chains must be carried and used when
the winter weather requires their use, Tyre tread 1.6mm MIN
Fines will be given if you are caught being a hazard to the other
road users ,also if found to be using Summer tyres in winter and
involved in a accident , then they will press for the highest punishment
Slovakia Snow chains must be carried in the winter months and used
as and when required Tyre tread 1mm Min
Slovenia Winter tyres from 15Nov until15March,Snow chains to be carried
from 15Nov until 15March (also when the winter weather affects the roads
outside these dates)Tyre tread 4mm MIN
Turkey Snow chains to be carried in Winter months,
Right Ladies and Gentlemen I have put this up but please remember
YOU are the one who gets Fined ,I have taken the above from the latest
Winter guide, and hope that I have not forgotten any thing
Please if you are driving abroad GET the correct Tyres fitted have snow chains
if possible TWO SETS; a Shovel, winter salt/grit Warm jacket ,Torch,
Flashing light (to be used in event of a breakdown); Food, hot drinks, sleeping bag
TO NAME A FEW, if and I have missed any thing then ADD it to the post as it will
help us all,
AND Furthermore ADR/HAZ has to follow certain rules in the event of
bad weather, so listen to the radio ,and CB ;
As it is the time of year when we can expect snow below is information regarding the carrying and use of snow chains in various countries.
1. Is it obligatory to carry snow chains.
2. How many chains/pairs of chains must be carried or used.
3. Fines/penalties for the breaching regulations
1. Generally not but compulsory to fit them to use certain road sections signposted ‘Schneeketten Vorgeschrieben.’
2. Chains must be fitted to at least two drive wheels on the same axle and must be fitted so the complete surface of the tyre is covered and there is contact at all times between the chain and the road surface.
3. No standard fine as it differs from state to state.
1. No but there use is allowed in snowy or icy conditions
2. n/a
3. n/a
1. Yes, from 1st November until 15th April.
2. One pair to be fitted to the drive axle and a spade must be carried.
3. In winter police can order the driver to fit chains or ■■■■■■ the vehicle to a place where chains can be bought.
1. Yes, all trucks must carry one pair of chains or entry to the country will be refused.
2. Chains must be fitted to at least two drive wheels when signs indicate.
3. Forbidden to enter the country or forbidden to use a section of road.
1. Yes in winter conditions, defined by law as at least 5cm of snow on the road. A spade must also be carried
2. One pair of chains on the drive axle.
3. In winter conditions, as defined above, police can order the driver to fit chains or ■■■■■■ the vehicle to a place where chains can be bought.
HRK6000 for companies allowing vehicles on the road without equipment.
HRK1000 for owner drivers.
HRK150 for drivers who has not fitted chains.
Czech Republic
1. No, but they must be used on roads when indicated by signs otherwise that section of road cannot be used.
2. One pair of chains fitted to the drive axle. For vehicles towing trailers two pairs must be used. Maximum speed 50 km/h.
3. No specific details.
1. No
2. n/a
3. n/a
1. No
2. n/a
3. n/a
1. No
2. n/a
3. n/a
1. Not compulsory but there use is authorised on snow covered roads and compulsory on roads indicated by the sign ‘Equipements Speciaux Obligatoires’
2. Not specified
3. Fine of €135 for non compliance, if not paid within 30 days increases to €375.
1. No but they must be fitted if signs indicate
2. Chains should be fitted to the drive axle, maximum speed
3. For non compliance a fine is imposed, no details of amount.
1. No a ‘Mandatory use of snow chains’ sign is placed at the border and only trucks carrying chains to fit at least one drive axle will be permitted entry into Hungary.
2. Chains should be fitted to at least one drive axle, maximum speed 50km/h.
3. Fines are imposed for using chains on ‘dry’ roads.
1. No
2. n/a
3. n/a
1. No but they must be used on snow covered roads if signs indicate.
2. Maximum of one pair of chains per vehicle
3. Fines range from €68 to €275
1. No
2. n/a
3. n/a
1. No
2. n/a
3. n/a
1. No
2. n/a
3. n/a
1. No
2. n/a
3. n/a
1. If snow and ice covered roads can be expected chains should be carried and the use of chains is compulsory in certain conditions.
2. For combined vehicles were both parts have a maximum permissible weight of greater than 3.5 tonnes at least seven chains must be used., one on the front axle, one on each wheel of the drive axle and two chains on the trailer.
3. No details.
1. No, however there use is compulsory on roads where signs indicate and only on snow covered roads.
2. Chains must be fitted to at least two drive wheels.
3. Fine of up to PLN 200.
1. No, however there use is compulsory on roads where signs indicate and these signs are usually found in mountainous regions.
2. Chains must, when used, be fitted to at least two drive wheels.
3. Fines for disregarding a sign to use chains range from €25 to €125.
1. No, however there use is compulsory on roads where signs indicate ‘Snehove Retaze.’
2. Chains must, when used, be fitted to every wheel of the drive axle.
3. Fines of up to SKR 2000, however if an accident is caused through non use of chains the fines range from SKR 2000 to imprisonment, in the case of fatalities.
1. Yes, compulsory between 15th November and 15th March.
2. Chains must be fitted to all tyres on the drive axle and a spade must also be carried.
3. Not specified.
1. No, however their use is compulsory on certain sections of road in mountainous regions.
2. Not specified.
3. Not specified.
1. No.
2. n/a
3. n/a
1. No, however their use is compulsory on certain sections of road when signposted ‘Chaines a Neige Obligatoires.’ No time period specified as Alpine regions can have summer snowfall.
2. Chains must, when used, be fitted to at least two drive wheels on the same axle.
3. Fine for disregarding a sign to use chains CHF 100.
1. Yes.
2. One pair.
3. The driver will be fined and forbidden to move.
Compiled from various sources.
In Norway you need 7 chains, 1 for the front axle of the tractor, 4 across the drive & 2 for the trailer. If you are stopped without them you will be made to buy them at full price before you continue.
On winter tyres, you will officially need them on the unit & trailer. The frost mark is clearly visible on the tyre sidewall. In practice you’ll get away with the unit only (front & drive axle). But if you have an accident you could well find yourself in trouble if you don’t have them, I find the authorities are abit more lenient between Oslo & Svenesund, but if you venture into the country be prepared. They are good natured people but the way foreign trucks come to Norway unperpared for winter driving conditions annoys them.
On a separate point: DO NOT SPEED IN NORWAY. The fines will make you weep.