A40 germany bad-accident

For the reasons already highlighted I am a firm believer a sticky thread is even a good thing for pictures of this kind of thing, a running pinned list of RIP and pictures and details, as you watch the list grow and the different situations and photos / videos grow maybe finally the penny will drop on some drivers that we need to drive these vehicles in an appropriate manner and respect each other instead of cutting each other up and basically looking to get one on each other. The value of such a pinned sticky would be a valuable reminder of what is at stake to earn a few quid.

Phantom Mark:
The value of such a pinned sticky would be a valuable reminder of what is at stake to earn a few quid.

A valid point BUT we’ve already got 9 stickies that no-one ever looks at.
We know this because of the number of questions we’re asked which have already been answered in the stickies.
So would there really be any point in another, taking up more of the first forum page, just for it to be ignored as well :question:

Pretty much all of us have driven past accidents like this one in our time and yet 5 miles down the road and you see them tailgating again, if the real deal doesn’t stop it happening I doubt a picture will make any difference.
In my experience there are two types of truck driver, the one always in a rush and the one who has finally sussed out that getting paid by the hour means it is better to plod along, the first usually tail gates and the second gets tail gated, the biggest difference is the guy at the front will be less stressed and more likely to reach retirement age.

I AM NOT ONE FOR POSTING ACCIDENTS normally however if you
LOOK at this one IT shows that not keeping your EYES OPEN and
Keeping your DISTANCE & staying alert means
carnage and Injuries plus Death occur, Please KEEP your Distance
and stay ALERT
No one needs the goods on the wagon that much do they■■?

Here is the LINK-to-the ACCIDENT

The road was closed for a very long time with long queues of traffic
TWO people died and another TWO are VERY Seriously Injured
There were 4 trucks and a 7.5 tn small lorry, One of the TRUCKS
was a Fuel -Tanker, which luckily did not leak or catch Fire or
the Damage would have been considerably more
The vehicles are supposed to have RUN into the rear end of a
traffic jam ,

That Aral / Schenk truck is certainly well buried. Looks like a bloody awful accident and sympathies to all the families.

It may stop them bunching, although it didn’t stop them after that Horst Poppel driver died in Belgium last year when he run up his mates trailer

That is the problem in that they drive on the limiter and too close
although the German Government have raised the Fines and points for this and many
other offences.Lots of drivers are pressured to achieve set targets and the others
well they are just plain stupid, The amount of traffic on the roads is far more
now then for 10/15/20 years ; GOOD PLANNING, helps, but as we all know
problems occur, Its law that a Firm which gives out work must take
time and distance and Drivers rules into consideration and no job
is allowed to be one that makes the driver break the law,

Although in the end the blame lays with the driver, there are some contributory factors that were put in for safety reasons that were almost certainly partly the cause of this and many other accidents.
The first is the no overtaking rule that leaves lines of trucks following for mile after mile, they always seem to close up more the longer the no overtaking is in force, and the second is the Speed limiter that most drivers drive at, before speed limiters drivers seemed to vary their speed all the time going over and under the limit, I don’t know why, but it did always happen.
My sympathy goes to the families of those involved in this accident :cry:

Although in the end the blame lays with the driver, there are some contributory factors that were put in for safety reasons that were almost certainly partly the cause of this and many other accidents.
The first is the no overtaking rule that leaves lines of trucks following for mile after mile, they always seem to close up more the longer the no overtaking is in force, and the second is the Speed limiter that most drivers drive at, before speed limiters drivers seemed to vary their speed all the time going over and under the limit, I don’t know why, but it did always happen.
My sympathy goes to the families of those involved in this accident :cry:

The variable speed limiters were always there, they were known as F troop and they had ROMAN diesels. The enforcement in Germany was always good, using the white lines on the roadside

I was on the A42 heading towards Kamp-Lintfort when this was announced on the radio,by the time I got to the Kerken exit on the A40 the queue was already back before there.I had intended to take the Kerpen exit anyway to go around it all,but it still took me nearly an hour to get back on at Straelen.
When they first announced it,they said that the road would be closed until 16h,but an hour later it went up to 18h,so I knew it must be bad.

As has been said,it’s always a case of too many trucks travelling at the same speed and too close together.
Unfortunately I see this almost on a weekly basis in Germany. :frowning:
But,if you hit someone up the rear,it’s down to you,you should keep enough distance to stop in case the one in front suddenly does.

Schenk have trucks registered all over the place now on different contracts,but they are usuall pretty steady and safe drivers.
Unlike a couple of tank firms I could mention,one Belgian and one German!

brit pete:
No one needs the goods on the wagon that much do they■■?

listening to some of the customers on the phone when a truck is delayed I do wonder sometimes :unamused:

Vascoingeles, yes that’s true but thank heavens they can be done as well,
over here in Germany IF THEY HAVE GIVEN a delivery time and date that
makes the driver break the law , just like the law as regards load-lashing
and stowage.

nothing to do with their delivery times being wrong it is just that they ALL calculate with everything going smoothly and never accept roadworks, accidents etc, etc for being 30 minutes late on a trip of more than 2000kms :unamused:

Similar tragedy on the A59 near Sprang-Capelle,Holland on Friday.
Woman stopped behind the DHL truck in a queue,the truck that hit her didn’t see the queue until it was too late,pushed her under the rear of the DHL truck.The woman,and three young children died at the scene,another ten year old is critical in hospital in Amsterdam.

And before you all get on your high horse about posting the picture,it was on the front page of De Telegraaf newspaper.

And before you all get on your high horse about posting the picture,it was on the front page of De Telegraaf newspaper.

the more of these fotos that get shown then the more drivers will think about what they doing, showing them may upset some people but if by upsetting 1000 you can cause someone to think again and save a life then I say upset the 1000

the more of these fotos that get shown then the more drivers will think about what they doing, showing them may upset some people but if by upsetting 1000 you can cause someone to think again and save a life then I say upset the 1000

^^^What he said^^^


the more of these fotos that get shown then the more drivers will think about what they doing, showing them may upset some people but if by upsetting 1000 you can cause someone to think again and save a life then I say upset the 1000

^^^What he said^^^

some one agreed with me ■■? :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:


the more of these fotos that get shown then the more drivers will think about what they doing, showing them may upset some people but if by upsetting 1000 you can cause someone to think again and save a life then I say upset the 1000

^^^What he said^^^

And me. Totally agree Paul.

the more of these fotos that get shown then the more drivers will think about what they doing, showing them may upset some people but if by upsetting 1000 you can cause someone to think again and save a life then I say upset the 1000

I agree with you old chum, showed my mrs and she said she’ll never stop behind a truck, good idea methinks


the more of these fotos that get shown then the more drivers will think about what they doing, showing them may upset some people but if by upsetting 1000 you can cause someone to think again and save a life then I say upset the 1000

I agree with you old chum, showed my mrs and she said she’ll never stop behind a truck, good idea methinks

you showed her both threads ?

i did paul, she understands a lot about driving and knows not to mess around between 80 and 95 when there’s trucks around and never get close to any truck in front or behind
sometimes when she’s in the car with our 3 year old i worry and wish they didn’t have to use the car at all :cry: