A few of my old trucks

My first truck after passing my test, this was eventually written off (after i left) always had poor brakes :frowning:

Scania was next pulled really well, i could give the 360’s a run for there money :wink:

After roe’s went to cartwrights had B124 HFU (when this pic was taken i didn’t drive it)

After a couple of other jobs ended up at denby’s, french registered 95 being my first full time truck

Renault tractors out of Le Mans

Plastic water containers, can’t remember where i loaded, but they went to gloucester, evil load, couldn’t tighten the straps as they would be damaged, and every bump or curve they moved from 1 side to the other :imp:

N672 JVL had this a while before getting the scania

First new truck i had :smiley: 400 engine pulled really well, would out pull the 420’s we got later :wink:
A few random pics

Brand new trailer first load :smiley:

Nice pics :smiley:

Nice pics there Steady, remember Denby’s loading out of the cat bay at widdo’s.
Did you know Paul Warner, he’s still on Denby’s now.

Yes i know Paul, he left and went to work on a job doing landfill, but was only gone a couple of months and he is back now, good lad paul, had many a night out with him, i liked loading out of widdo’s at least they let you use there snak bar :smiley: , there’s nothing at desford :frowning: