Evidence of an Offence!

So, apparently if you leave your digicard in all week you have to book off country and book on country every day, and is an offence according to VOSA if you don’t!
Now when you first insert the card at the beginning of the week you book on in UK then you book off in UK at the end of the week!
Now if you don’t book off/on UK every day, were on the digi tacho is this offence recorded? also were on a print out is this offence recorded?
I don’t see any difference to a print out done, with the digi card left in all week, and one were the card is taken out every day!

Not just VOSA saying that it is an offence, Council Regulation EEC 3821/85 Article 5a actually says it is an offence;

The driver shall enter in the recording equipment in conformity
with Annex IB the symbols of the countries in which he begins and
ends his daily work period.

Recording Equipment in accordance with Annex 1B is the posh term for a digital tacho. So it is a legal requirement to enter country codes for location start and end of duty.

The information or lack of it is shown on a driver card printout in the section with an ‘E’ in the middle of it. The data will also be stored on the card or not if you don’t enter it.

If you take the card out on a daily basis the VU will automatically request you to make the entry for country code when the card is inserted or ejected.

If you leave the card in for the week then you will need to go into the main menu, find ‘driver 1 entry’ and then select ‘begin country’ or ‘end country’ as appropriate.

Vosa said a long time ago that if you are on UK only work, Then you don’t need to do it manually.
The digi tacho will simply revert to the last stored country, So if you start in the UK, then remove your card at the end of the Day/week, then it will say ended in UK.
When i was on European work i started and ended the shift with manual entries depending on what country i started and finished in. When i was on UK only work i didn’t do anything apart from change the mode. And i’ve never had any bother from Vosa or anyone else. (on that side of things).

I wouldn’t leave the card in a truck overnight unless I was actually in the truck.

Someone might either nick the card, or just drive the truck and record their driving as your driving. Or you might ned to drive another truck, and then you have to have your card with you, even if it’s a ‘paper’ tacho.

Treat it like a credit card. If it’s not in a machine, being used, then it needs to be safe and ideally on your person.

This image that I found only shows the start country, I assume it must have been taken before the shift was completed.

I’ve always taken the card out so I have no experience of this, but I believe that if you don’t enter the start/finish countries there would be a ? (question mark) where the country letters should be.


Not just VOSA saying that it is an offence, Council Regulation EEC 3821/85 Article 5a actually says it is an offence;

The driver shall enter in the recording equipment in conformity
with Annex IB the symbols of the countries in which he begins and
ends his daily work period.

I think that should be article 15 - 5a :wink:

So, apparently if you leave your digicard in all week you have to book off country and book on country every day, and is an offence according to VOSA if you don’t!
Now when you first insert the card at the beginning of the week you book on in UK then you book off in UK at the end of the week!
Now if you don’t book off/on UK every day, were on the digi tacho is this offence recorded? also were on a print out is this offence recorded?
I don’t see any difference to a print out done, with the digi card left in all week, and one were the card is taken out every day!

If it’s an offence then why do I not get an infringement for leaving mine in without putting in end country ? and our company are hot on checking for these.

bald bloke:

So, apparently if you leave your digicard in all week you have to book off country and book on country every day, and is an offence according to VOSA if you don’t!
Now when you first insert the card at the beginning of the week you book on in UK then you book off in UK at the end of the week!
Now if you don’t book off/on UK every day, were on the digi tacho is this offence recorded? also were on a print out is this offence recorded?
I don’t see any difference to a print out done, with the digi card left in all week, and one were the card is taken out every day!

If it’s an offence then why do I not get an infringement for leaving mine in without putting in end country ? and our company are hot on checking for these.

Probably just the analysis software your company uses not picking it up.

I dont understand why people leave their card in anyway, say you have to move the truck or you stand up and knock the button without realising. Theres no benifit to leaving it in so why do it.

I am away all week and leave my card in. Always have done.
I have been stopped by vosa loads of times and never been done.
I also only do uk work.


bald bloke:

So, apparently if you leave your digicard in all week you have to book off country and book on country every day, and is an offence according to VOSA if you don’t!
Now when you first insert the card at the beginning of the week you book on in UK then you book off in UK at the end of the week!
Now if you don’t book off/on UK every day, were on the digi tacho is this offence recorded? also were on a print out is this offence recorded?
I don’t see any difference to a print out done, with the digi card left in all week, and one were the card is taken out every day!

If it’s an offence then why do I not get an infringement for leaving mine in without putting in end country ? and our company are hot on checking for these.

Probably just the analysis software your company uses not picking it up.

Yes possibly, i once accidently put YU as my end country and then UK for starting next day and that was never picked up.

I leave my card in all week too but as I change countries often I have got into the habit of using end place / begin place on the tacho at the beginning and end of everyday

It only takes seconds and is a good habit to have


Not just VOSA saying that it is an offence, Council Regulation EEC 3821/85 Article 5a actually says it is an offence;

The driver shall enter in the recording equipment in conformity
with Annex IB the symbols of the countries in which he begins and
ends his daily work period.

I think that should be article 15 - 5a :wink:

It’s ok for them saying its an offence, but if the digi tacho isn’t showing an infringement, how can they determine an offence has been commited?
How is it recorded as an offence? That’s what I wanted to know!



Not just VOSA saying that it is an offence, Council Regulation EEC 3821/85 Article 5a actually says it is an offence;

The driver shall enter in the recording equipment in conformity
with Annex IB the symbols of the countries in which he begins and
ends his daily work period.

I think that should be article 15 - 5a :wink:

It’s ok for them saying its an offence, but if the digi tacho isn’t showing an infringement, how can they determine an offence has been commited?
How is it recorded as an offence? That’s what I wanted to know!

As far as how it’s recorded as an offence is concerned, check a printout and if it doesn’t show the start and end locations for completed shifts then the location hasn’t been put into the tachograph.

I’ve never tried it but if you do a printout of a shift when when you never put the start or end location I believe a ? will show instead of the country letters.

But like I said I’ve never tried it so I could be wrong :wink:

How is it recorded as an offence? That’s what I wanted to know!

It isn’t recorded anywhere in the tacho or on your card as an offence, because the offence is the lack of start and finish locations recorded for each shift.

So the offence will only come to light when VOSA analyse your card and find the start and finish country records aren’t there.





Not just VOSA saying that it is an offence, Council Regulation EEC 3821/85 Article 5a actually says it is an offence;

The driver shall enter in the recording equipment in conformity
with Annex IB the symbols of the countries in which he begins and
ends his daily work period.

I think that should be article 15 - 5a :wink:

It’s ok for them saying its an offence, but if the digi tacho isn’t showing an infringement, how can they determine an offence has been commited?
How is it recorded as an offence? That’s what I wanted to know!

As far as how it’s recorded as an offence is concerned, check a printout and if it doesn’t show the start and end locations for completed shifts then the location hasn’t been put into the tachograph.

I’ve never tried it but if you do a printout of a shift when when you never put the start or end location I believe a ? will show instead of the country letters.

But like I said I’ve never tried it so I could be wrong :wink:

Where don’t you try the tacho simulator and see what will happen

Where don’t you try the tacho simulator and see what will happen

I tried it earlier Del, but the simulator doesn’t seem to display the country letters on the printout.


How is it recorded as an offence? That’s what I wanted to know!

It isn’t recorded anywhere in the tacho or on your card as an offence, because the offence is the lack of start and finish locations recorded for each shift.

So the offence will only come to light when VOSA analyse your card and find the start and finish country records aren’t there.


Sounds a bit dodgy when only VOSA can say you have commited an offence.
Surely any information on the card, should be revieled on a print out as well!

Sounds a bit dodgy when only VOSA can say you have commited an offence.
Surely any information on the card, should be revieled on a print out as well!

What do printouts for days that you don’t put the start or finish location show in the area of the image I’ve posted above ?

I’'d better not get stopped then, I only remove my card for holidays or workshop visits. I’ll take my chances with it, I tell it where I start and finish when the card goes in & out and I never go anywhere else. More unnecessary work in my eyes.