CPC Right or Wrong?

Just wanted to get an idea of what our members views are on CPC in its current format?

Very wrong, after driving 25 years gaining plenty of experience in many types of freight and vehicle types, I will no longer be able to use my skills and experience unless I sit in front of some college graduate, who has never driven or been near a truck, for 35 hours which I must pay for the privelledge for.
This is one driver who will not be bending over to take one from Europe to be able to contribute to the economy.
They can shove it right where the sun don’t shine

I am here: tapatalk.com/map.php?uax1tj
It’s not theirs anymore,
This is our England now.

It could have been implemented much better. There should have been a set structure to it, no repeat of courses in the same five year block, maybe the government should have sat down with industry and decided what should be in it and put together some standard courses. Good points are that you can use things like HIAB and ADR renewal to count towards it, and that larger companies can put their own programs together. Personally I think they should have had a national standardised Drivers hours course, and a national standardised health and safety/load restraint course, both of which being compulsory. Optional modules could be a SAFED/Defensive driving course and a vehicle road-worthiness course. The Government could have taken a lot more control over it.

Anything with multi-guess questions is a waste of time

its a complete and utter waste of time and has been implemented as nothing more than revenue increasing :smiling_imp:

complete waste of time and effort… i just want to do my job ie deliver the goods im paid to do. not sit and listen to some boring ■■■■ talking bollox… c.p.c.= :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

its a complete and utter waste of time and has been implemented as nothing more than revenue increasing :smiling_imp:

if everyone said " NO! " what are they going to do? Stop everyone with a HGV licence from driving! :unamused: didn’t think so! :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

Very wrong, after driving 25 years gaining plenty of experience in many types of freight and vehicle types, I will no longer be able to use my skills and experience unless I sit in front of some college graduate, who has never driven or been near a truck, for 35 hours which I must pay for the privelledge for.
This is one driver who will not be bending over to take one from Europe to be able to contribute to the economy.
They can shove it right where the sun don’t shine

you got no choice mate its a european directive same as all the other rules you must complete the dcpc or give up commercial driving. I agree wholehearedly with you mate but we got no choice i just completed my dcpc today wasnt to bad tbh fortunatly my company paid for the coarse including lunch and they paid us a basic 40 hrs.

the trainer was a fully qualified pcv / lgv instructor as well as a dcpc facilitator. and also had worked at the sharp end of the industry. He also aknowledged that all of us in the room had been doing the job for anything from 7 yrs to over 40 years.

Best idea is get the head down get it done and thats it for 5 years

if you reside in scotland you can apply for ILA individual learning account and get £200 towards a cpl of days then apply again next year for another £200 that just leaves you 1 day to pay for then come 2015 you can start to get more ILA and the next one wont cost a thing.
hope this helps

I am here: tapatalk.com/map.php?uax1tj
It’s not theirs anymore,
This is our England now.

Anything with multi-guess questions is a waste of time

There are no questions. :unamused: Turn up and get the ticket.


Anything with multi-guess questions is a waste of time

There are no questions. :unamused: Turn up and get the ticket.

Even better what an absolute cash generator!

Out of the 3 people who have so far voted that they think the DCPC is great I wonder how many are instructors :laughing:

ive done 3 (or 4?) with DHL onsite. I honestly dont think i have learnt anything at all. I do get paid a days wages thou, but to be honest id rather be working, it is mind numbingly boring and a total waste of time/money.

Out of the 3 people who have so far voted that they think the DCPC is great I wonder how many are instructors :laughing:

I haven’t voted - thought I might be biased :wink:

However - I think the implimentation and organisation of it is crap. The rule regarding repeating courses is stupid and I detest it. Unfortunately I have to occasionaly work with it to make a living and if a driver chooses to repeat a course and waves money under my nose to book again - I aint gonna say no. No doubt you won’t believe it - but I try to talk them out of repeating modules.

Having said the above - I do think there is generally a need for training, it’s just been done wrong.

Should be the employers responsibility to impliment and pay for. Currently seems to be a mix of who is paying. I have 15 lads in tomorrow. It’s just about a 50/50 split between organised and paid for by their employer or there off their own backs.

It’s rubbish !
That is all.

Completed 42hrs of dCPC last year - 35 in a set and 7 that I’d done before - then did my ADR this year that would’ve also counted towards it.

The ADR may or may not be usefull, time will tell, the dCPC was a complete waste of time and money and, as others have said, mind numbingly boring.

What made it worse was the fact that it contained incorrect information too… :open_mouth:

I can not see why the company you work for should train you up ,if its car transporter work learn that or tankers, or tippers ect ect, waste of money just another card to carry er,epic ,digi ,licence,all the ones to get into chemical ,oil sites .I just wonder whats next,I do know it wont be a cut in hours.


Very wrong, after driving 25 years gaining plenty of experience in many types of freight and vehicle types, I will no longer be able to use my skills and experience unless I sit in front of some college graduate, who has never driven or been near a truck, for 35 hours which I must pay for the privelledge for.
This is one driver who will not be bending over to take one from Europe to be able to contribute to the economy.
They can shove it right where the sun don’t shine

you got no choice mate its a european directive same as all the other rules you must complete the dcpc or give up commercial driving. I agree wholehearedly with you mate but we got no choice i just completed my dcpc today wasnt to bad tbh fortunatly my company paid for the coarse including lunch and they paid us a basic 40 hrs.

the trainer was a fully qualified pcv / lgv instructor as well as a dcpc facilitator. and also had worked at the sharp end of the industry. He also aknowledged that all of us in the room had been doing the job for anything from 7 yrs to over 40 years.

Best idea is get the head down get it done and thats it for 5 years

if you reside in scotland you can apply for ILA individual learning account and get £200 towards a cpl of days then apply again next year for another £200 that just leaves you 1 day to pay for then come 2015 you can start to get more ILA and the next one wont cost a thing.
hope this helps

I am here: tapatalk.com/map.php?uax1tj
It’s not theirs anymore,
This is our England now.

I do have a choice, take it and now bend down to an already over legislated industry, or say ■■■■ em and not drive commercially and find another trade.
Because some drivers are saying we have no choice and doing it as put the ball firmly in the EU’s court. If we as a unit had joined together and said ■■■■ you we’re not doing it, let’s see how many drivers you can train up and give experience to in the next 5 years, they would have had to back down and say let’s think this through.
Instead, as usual we have let them walk all over us, that is why the industry is in the state it’s in, with crap wages, crap facilities and vrap conditions

I am here: tapatalk.com/map.php?sqegka
It’s not theirs anymore,
This is our England now.

Looking at all the questions about really basic stuff such as drivers hours by people on this forum who have been driving for years along with basic motoring laws they don’t know as well tells me that the DCPC is more than needed.

If the DCPC wasn’t needed there wouldn’t be the questions asked by the time served on here.

Looking at all the questions about really basic stuff such as drivers hours by people on this forum who have been driving for years along with basic motoring laws they don’t know as well tells me that the DCPC is more than needed.

If the DCPC wasn’t needed there wouldn’t be the questions asked by the time served on here.

Agree :wink:

Looking at all the questions about really basic stuff such as drivers hours by people on this forum who have been driving for years along with basic motoring laws they don’t know as well tells me that the DCPC is more than needed.

If the DCPC wasn’t needed there wouldn’t be the questions asked by the time served on here.

If people ask what they need to know, then they don’t need the dCPC, it’s the ones that don’t ask that are the problem.

Also, do you remember EVERYTHING you’ve ever been told / taught? Or do you ask now and then just to refresh your memory?

I’ve done the ADR, not used it yet, will probably have questions to ask if I ever get a job using it.

Also, just because you’ve sat in a room for 7hrs a day (which may or may not even include drivers hours don’t forget), doesn’t mean you’ll know any more than you did when you entered.