Double manning question

Yesterday I went with another driver to pick his unit up, he drove the eight hours down there, swapped his kit over and then stayed there, I then drove back, is this classed as double manning as I did 17 hours, I have been assured it is but I tend only to believe my eyes and trucknet :laughing: I have never double manned and we put both tacos in but to be honest it was like the blind leading the blind and when we arrived and took them out there wasn’t a mark on my card, so I decided to write out another as I didnt want to gutted pulled up the road with our original destination written on the tacho, so do I need to make a manual entry on the back stating the first 8 hours break and also state it was double manned ( if indeed it actually was)

Thanks Darb :grimacing:

As you weren’t double manned for the entire shift you can’t take advantage of the multi-manning concessions so anything over a 15 hour spread-over (If a reduced daily rest period was available) is illegal.

No point in doing a manual entry explaining that part of the journey was spent on break or that you were double manned during that time, you was single manned for the return journey and that’s what stops you taking advantage of the multi-manning concession on daily rest.

Probably just as well that you lost the first chart really :wink:

By the way, why did you put the destination point on the first chart when all you’re required to put is the start and finish locations :confused:

thanks Tacho, I’ll keep both tachos I cant lie for toffee, and would get myself into more trouble than just admitting my ignorance :open_mouth:

P.S. I did mean original start point not destination, :smiley:

thanks Tacho, I’ll keep both tachos I cant lie for toffee, and would get myself into more trouble than just admitting my ignorance :open_mouth:

P.S. I did mean original start point not destination, :smiley:

You’ll not be much use as a driver if you can’t tell a few porkies when necessary…If I have this right you’re keeping a blank tacho rather than writing out a manual one which would explain your activities for that day in a more beneficial way to yourself? And you intend to throw yourself at the feet of any uniform begging for mercy when you don’t have to should the situation arise? Good luck! You’ve cocked up, who hasn’t but don’t be a sacrificial lamb!

Tacho is correct, for multi manning rules to apply, both drivers must remain with the one truck throughout the shift EXCEPT the first driver can pick up the second within the first hour of driving.

Yesterday I went with another driver to pick his unit up, he drove the eight hours down there, swapped his kit over and then stayed there, I then drove back, is this classed as double manning as I did 17 hours, I have been assured it is but I tend only to believe my eyes and trucknet :laughing: I have never double manned and we put both tacos in but to be honest it was like the blind leading the blind and when we arrived and took them out there wasn’t a mark on my card, so I decided to write out another as I didnt want to gutted pulled up the road with our original destination written on the tacho, so do I need to make a manual entry on the back stating the first 8 hours break and also state it was double manned ( if indeed it actually was)

Thanks Darb :grimacing:

And your companies tm is ok with this sort of thing ? .mmm (legally speaking) you should both stayed at the where ever the other driver left the truck,had your daily rest 9-11 hrs as single manned from when the co driver swapped vehicles
But as you have already driven back when technically you should not of, carrying a blank chart with manual entries of presumably other work around with you will do you no favors with the vostapo , i personally would loose it, by a bin fire back at the office, or turn it into motorway confetti ,lol