Any Channel Five Bods Looking In?

Hello Channel Five, if you want to make a really interesting TV programme take your cameras across to Dublin & film the shambolic circus that Eddie Stobart Ltd, call a logistics operation over there.
The one where planners cannot plan, Managers cannot manage & everything in general is about as professional as a one legged man in an arse kicking contest!
No wonder these drivers are disgruntled, they get €9.50 per hour (that’s £7.89 per hour in real money) plus an additional tax free sum of money if they work over 10hrs in a shift. (Allegedly)
You have to be a favorite though, to qualify for this!
This is not good Chaps, and then you see the English drivers telling you how good everything is in England, while they are polishing trucks for a truck show!
That’s because they are soft enough to do it for nothing, just the glory & these are the same drivers that would be out of work tomorrow if the job should change because wise up chaps you are only as good as the last tin of polish YOU BOUGHT YOURSELF, WITH YOUR OWN MONEY!!

■■■■ me backwards

[zb] me backwards

I’d prefer not to, if its all the same :wink:


[zb] me backwards

I’d prefer not to, if its all the same :wink:

I am conducting a survey into such things.
I wonder, is it the [zb] you dislike or the fact that it’s backwards :question:


Here is one for you; the guy taking the photographs at Stobart fest was once an owner driver who worked out of the British Gypsum plant at Kirkby Thore, nr Appleby, in ■■■■■■■■
Well, truth to tell he actually thought he owned the place as he had a Volvo & tautliner which was painted the most hideous diarrhoea brown colour imaginable & he was a kind of self styled spokesman for the owner drivers that worked out of the plant alongside British Gypsum’s own fleet when Eddie Stobart Ltd, started to work out of there many moons ago, a contract they subsequently lost!
David Mulholland, the photographer as he is now, was determined to get them banned out because he had looked it up and took advice on the fact that Eddie Stobart Ltd, were going into British Gypsum with ‘over height’ trailers.
Mulholland it has to be said made a bigger fool out of himself back then than he is doing now!
It is reported locally that he must have tongued Stobart’s arse crack half to death & paid his mortgage off to get a job taking pictures of their trucks after what he did back then.
I could go on but plenty of people around ■■■■■■■ & beyond have the measure of this Jelly!

Caboverdave…from your two posts I have worked out you have a problem with Stobarts. So here’s an idea, instead of getting your knickers in a twist, don’t watch a programme about them on channel five.

I would say the first post on here is fairly accurate, I am based in Ireland & just on my time off. I had a mate came off International work as he, probably more his Mrs really, thought Stobart is a good company, clean, well run, surely cannot go wrong & you are at home!
He was very wrong, he told me the left hand didn’t know what the right hand was doing, no one seemed to know about shipping or what or was not there for trailers. I cannot use the words he used on here to describe the guys who run it but he’s been driving for more than 20 years & knows his stuff. He suffered this circus for a fortnight, as he said you’ve got to give it a chance, He went back to his old boss & explained his mistake. He is back working there now.

Caboverdave…from your two posts I have worked out you have a problem with Stobarts.

Ahhhhh, that’s what he’s bumping his gums about. Stobbie fan eh? Top deduction skills my pedigree chum :smiley:

Humm 3 fairly new members have joined and all slated stobars, sompthing deffinantly fishy there

I would say I was a fairly new member on here too & I haven’t anything against Eddie Stobart Ltd, in general but I would say the company does have problems in Ireland & that’s fact. As for the TV programme I’m sure there must be loads & loads of editing going on but no amount of editing can erase what knobs some of the drivers that appear on the programme are. I for one would not have that Mark chap on another show, asking for women’s underwear, what the hell is that all about? Also the blank faces in the office when the fat lad that pulls the walking floor trailer, one of the better ones in my opinion; went in to inquire about his lorry was nothing more than an absolute embarrassment for all involved, why wasn’t he informed earlier that the pressure was off because the lorry had already gone to Corby & that he would be getting a lift in a car.
So this piece is not about Eddie Stobart Ltd: it’s about all those [zb] [zb]
Who are making the company laughable … but then as the saying goes there’s no such thing as Bad Publicity, so Tink & Willie are probably having a good laugh too.

To be fair it does seem that they are doing everything wrong in Ireland, they are creating a terrible reputation for themselves over there. Rumours are rife that they are considering pulling out and yes I know all rumours need a pinch of salt but they don’t seem to be doing all that well. I’ve never seen a truck move in their Dublin port depot. And it’s always full of trailers. One thing to remember is much bigger companies have tried and failed to crack Ireland, and I very much doubt Stobart will be the one to succeed.

Anyhow come like the Virginia Facebook page! Link below!

Ah surely, doing everything wrong in Ireland is right switchlogic. I wrote on here before about my Buddy working at Stobart Ireland and he said it was brutal, the staff are ex Tesco eejits who haven’t a clue and treat drivers as second class citizens. You are right too about Lorries parked up I’d say more are parked than running.
The biggest mystery is the fella in charge was a builder of some sort but got the job because he is friend of the man who owns Stobart civil engineering and railway track building.
Maybe he wants to take over Irish rail next!

I worked for stobart bout 5 years back now in UK, it does at times appear to get top job you need we a wally. But that aside.the man at the top was very good to a freind of mine when he went through a very bad time in his life when slot of companies would not have helper I know for one where I am now he would not. So I every every company have there problems but on a bigger scale to others and they have there good sides to :slight_smile:

So. Another thread on ES. Like another poster said, just leave it, ignore it and move on.

Or get the management here to create a sub-topic area for JUST ES threads and then this one can move there too!!! :imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

maybe the management in ireland arn’t allowed to make decisions.
it happened at a place i worked at. we had two very experienced planners in the manchester office, but they had to run everything by a bloke in ireland. the bloke in ireland was very busy, so everyone had to wait for things to be agreed between the management.
it made the manchester lads look prety stupid. there is a lot more happening behind the scenes at these places.

maybe the management in ireland arn’t allowed to make decisions.
it happened at a place i worked at. we had two very experienced planners in the manchester office, but they had to run everything by a bloke in ireland. the bloke in ireland was very busy, so everyone had to wait for things to be agreed between the management.
it made the manchester lads look prety stupid. there is a lot more happening behind the scenes at these places.

Don’t know whether it’s are’nt allowed to, or are just not capable as they are totally out of their depth.
My mate said there was an English lad from a Stobart Depot somewhere in England, in the office briefly and he seemed ok but just didn’t know where anywhere was or how long the journey would take so again, Fail!

interesting thread, especially when I checked some IP addresses :unamused:

it appears snowchain stopstart247, nightsailor and caboverdave are all posting from the same one :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

Doesn’t suprise me. A glut of new members all posting in this thread - too much of a coincidence.

Denis F:
interesting thread, especially when I checked some IP addresses :unamused:

it appears snowchain stopstart247, nightsailor and caboverdave are all posting from the same one :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

Can these people not have conversations with themselves on the park bench like all the other mentally challenged?

Denis F:
interesting thread, especially when I checked some IP addresses :unamused:

it appears snowchain stopstart247, nightsailor and caboverdave are all posting from the same one :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

Clever enough to talk to themselves :confused: :confused: :confused: but not clever enough to switch IP addy’s. Why do it in the first place??

Disgruntled employee maybe? Take it up with the management of Stobbies then!