
I mean £tips, as in “here you are mate, have a drink on me”.

Cos’ they’re given as a reward for behaviour above & beyond the call of duty, a few on here may never have heard of them & be confusing these £tips for “wait there for 4hrs drive while we forkies ponder if we can be arsed to empty your truck mate” type of tips.

I made £27 in the 2 week run up to Xmas, not a personal best but significantly higher than anyone else on the fleet. I don’t work for tips so it feels better than my first ever ■■■■■■ when one comes my way these days :sunglasses:

I’ve worked a few jobs over the years where £tipping is common & one or two where it’s considered downright rude if you don’t. Personally, I’ve always chucked them into a charity box, RNLI is my favourite but Childline’s had a few bob over the years.

This year I thought I’d let Karma take its course & bunged the whole lot on lottery tickets, on the basis that I’d bung the RNLI a few £million if any won.

Me & the missus checked the no’s tonight . . . drum roll . . . YESSSS.

If anyone can guess how little I won, then the £5 £tip I made today (for a bit of advice that would cost £50) goes to the charity of your choice.




Ooohhh !

Close, but not quite.

Instead of the 2,660,863 pure guess’s :smiley: I’ll bung the £5 blue diver in the RNLI box shall I.

The correct answer is £2.20.

Did multidrop for Tesco Direct contract earlier this year. Took a 26T rigid through tiny backstreets of north east of Scotland, carried heavy furniture up to top floor of these houses/flats. Was OVERLY polite and respectful to every customer thinking this could turn out to be a nice little earner… Did I get any tips?? ZILTCH! Nada, Nothing.

Never again.

Did multidrop for Tesco Direct contract earlier this year. Took a 26T rigid through tiny backstreets of north east of Scotland, carried heavy furniture up to top floor of these houses/flats. Was OVERLY polite and respectful to every customer thinking this could turn out to be a nice little earner… Did I get any tips?? ZILTCH! Nada, Nothing.

Never again.

Might have been better off south of the Scottish border…

working in removals its common place. One of my guys keeps a tally just for his own reference, In 2010 he was given £1565 over the 48 weeks he works and in 2011 he took home £1680.

Quite a surprising amount considering tips have been harder to come by since the recession kicked in and go back 4-5 years I guaruntee the amount would be considerably higher!

I helped a bloke handball 14 pallets of toys into his lockup a few months back. I like to get out of the cab for some exercise when I can. I was very happy to recieve a £20 note for my troubles :slight_smile:

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never…EVER wipe your arse with a broken bottle

Probably over ten years ago now, did a pick up of scrap from a yard somewhere in scotland, can’t remember exactly where, but I seem to recall there was a football ground behind it and up a hill, might have been stenhousemuir, anyway after loading I go get the notes and receive a pound note “for a cuppa” , not a lot even back then, still appreciated though, for some strange reason still got the pound note in the drawer.

When I was driving taxis I picked a Polish dude up one night. He was very drunk and didn’t know where he lived. I drove around the block a couple of times and dropped him off a few feet from where I picked him up.

“Eight pound mate” I said as he scrambled around in his pockets. He produced eight shiny pound coins and then reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out four crisp twenty pound notes. After looking at them for a minute he passed the lot to me, muttered something in broken English and went on his way.

Thanks to his 1000% tip, I didn’t need to carry on working that night so I went home.

A few months back I did one of our regular tips at Walthamstowe, then onto the same companies other depot in Benfleet.The manager at Walthamstowe offered me £10 to bung a couple of pallets on my trailer to drop off at Benfleet.I was being a mardy grumpy cow that day so I told him I’d do it for £30…& he accepted-whoop whoop! :grimacing:

once did an end of exibition clear out at the nec for rolson tools,got bunged a score.straight round to lincoln farm for bbq chicken and a pint

last year £1763 split 3 ways, driving a refuse truck this year back driving artics [zb] all!

When I’m landing a boats catch and jump in the back of trailer and give the fishermen a hand I usually get the offer of a fry o fish and sometimes 200 ■■■■,shower on boat and a brew, decline the fry o fish if its at start of week but if last shift will take it back for neighbours, the odd £ but nowt to write home about

working in removals its common place. One of my guys keeps a tally just for his own reference, In 2010 he was given £1565 over the 48 weeks he works and in 2011 he took home £1680.

I trust he declared it to the tax man :wink:

Used to get tips when I was doing doorstep milk. The odd £1 or £2 from nearly every house and 50p from the little old lady. Bear in mind there were 400 houses on a round. These disappeared when I moved rounds to a less affluent area and became the odd bottle of wine when I went on the 7.5 tonners doing shops.
The last tip I received was £20 in 2007 when I took a imported container to a shop in Leytonstone. The guy said good morning, shook my hand and told me to “come back much later” and sent me to “my friends cafe.”

Bottle of champers, would have it new years eve but Im working :frowning:

Doing lots of convenience stores(at their opening times),one can be sometimes left to hump the combies off,while the storeman takes in papers,and does the alarms etc.
Very rarely would you get offered so much as a cup of coffee.
Not all places are as tight though.One or two get seriously offended if you dont grab a coffee and a bun,when the work is done,some even tell you to grab a "jumbo breakfast roll" :smiley: As for the Christmas goodies that get sent to the depot,as drivers,we were always left out of the office/warehouse draws,for bottles and hampers etc.,so now theyve told all suppliers NO MORE GIFTS at Christmas,if they feel obliged to send on a token of appreciation for our custom,donate a few quid to a charity.

i load out of a recycling yard in neasdon and get given £10 every time we go in there by the guy on the wiegh bridge i don’t mind going in there 2 or 3 times a week, its as tight and [zb] in there, got too totally jackknife it to get back out but the tenner makes it worthwhile, only problem is now going to have to wait for my new truck as mine will be no longer compliant :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: