Living in a box?

Dan Glebitz here again. I’m writing another piece for Truck & Driver Magazine that gives top tips to new drivers. This month it’s all about cab living, nights away and the little secrets that the old hands use to make life away from home just that bit easier. So, what’s your top tip? And don’t say ‘stick to day work’! Any ideas used will naturally be attributed to he, or she, who posts it, and to TruckNet.
Cheers, Dan. Er, just to correct any misconceptions: I’m writing the piece myself (I was a full time driver at one time) and I thought I’d add a couple of gems from you lads still on the road. The piece isn’t a list of posts. If only life was that easy! Cheers, Dan

Put your clothes under your sleeping bag to stop them getting damp, prior to running your front wheels over your tarpaulin and sheeting yourself into the cab to keep warm at night :smiley:

Oh, hang about, we have cab heaters now, dont we :smiley: :smiley:

Always pinch sachets of sugar and cream from any food joint you frequent, so you never run out for your flask, haha :smiley:

Try to start early so you can finish early then you have the choice of parking spots.


WETWIPES, small, simple, but a must, and a life saver.
clothes and bedding, washbag, towel, and i’d def recomend flipflops, for showering, all these are obvious to, aswell as your own little first aid kit, flu capsules, headache tabs etc, can always come in handy.
satnav, (we also sometimes use things known as maps) :grimacing: some basic tools always handy.
after that, laptop, tv, etc, whatever floats your boat.

Imodium is a must, just in case you eat something that doesn’t agree with you.

Learn at least some basic cookery, especially if you are going to be away a week or two at a time. Snack pots and canned foods might be OK in an emergency, but after a full days work you really need a proper meal.

Carry a small washing up bowl so you can always have a strip wash if there are no decent facilities nearby - which covers most of the UK anyway.

Kitchen roll, best thing since sliced bread and doesnt taste as bad either - use it for pretty much everything cleaning, also makes good emergency bog roll and good for blowing the nose on as well.

The 3 basic things you DON’T want to be are : (1) Cold. (2) Hungry. (3) Bored. Take the minimum you think you’ll need to overcome these basic things.

I would add a 4th Smelly, but most trampers seem to get by !

i dont think living in a box does you anygood ask switchlogic he s turned into legoman.

Do research in the 'real world’instead of the lazy way from a keyboard?

Buy a laptop, takes up less room than a pile of ■■■■ mags.

sammy dog:
i dont think living in a box does you anygood ask switchlogic he s turned into legoman.

Indeed, I’m now clinically insane

If Truck and Driver are paying you to write about our ideas, how about giving your fees to Children in Need or Cancer Research?

Take a gas camping stove to make coffee and hot food. Use a proper duvet and pillow instead of a sleeping bag. Have some earplugs for those ‘fridge parked next to me’ emergencies, and be careful if you park on a hill as it affects your sleeping position - ie: on the bunk or in the footwell :wink:


sammy dog:
i dont think living in a box does you anygood ask switchlogic he s turned into legoman.

Indeed, I’m now clinically insane

what do u mean now? :smiley:

Wheel Nut:
If Truck and Driver are paying you to write about our ideas, how about giving your fees to Children in Need or Cancer Research?




sammy dog:
i dont think living in a box does you anygood ask switchlogic he s turned into legoman.

Indeed, I’m now clinically insane

what do u mean now? :smiley:

i take it he has nt watched your latest

i agree with grumps,
quilt pillows and sheets over a gonk bag, a laptop with internet connection beats having to carry a tv/dvd player too. i use to watch movies anywhere and other internet sites for any tv channels. wet wipes a must!,
civic is a must, if you get weekended get out and see places dont become a cab rat!

Use a proper duvet and pillow instead of a sleeping bag.

Nope I disagree, most wagons I’ve driven have a draught that comes up from underneath the bunk so you need to be as well insulated underneath as on top, and zipping the top and bottom together is the best, I use rectangular sleeping bags with cotton liners, two in winter and one in summer.

The other things are decent cooking and entertainment, life is then perfect. :sunglasses:

Imodium is a must, just in case you eat something that doesn’t agree with you.

Couldnt agree with this one more after the past couple of days I’ve had!


Imodium is a must, just in case you eat something that doesn’t agree with you.

Couldnt agree with this one more after the past couple of days I’ve had!

Does that explain your username then ■■ :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: