I know it’s a bit of an old post, but did any one see the fine the driver got for destroying the bridge?
A cool 25 million dollars!!
The driver, named in Chinese media as Mr Zhang, had overloaded his truck which caused the bridge to collapse - and now he has to pay for it
The heavy bridge will cost £15.74million to repair and the local government is expecting the driver to pay it all.
They say it was his fault that he had put too much sand in his truck last summer and that he must now pay the price for his actions.
Is 160 even possible? I just think of the tonne bags you get from a builders merchants, you might be able to go 3 high and 3 across on that trailer in the pic, so that’s 9 per row plus 1 to fill in all imaginary gaps, that’s 10, and if you can get 16 rows in that’s bang on 160. I have no idea really
Check out the video it looks like a tri axle bulker type trailer not a tipper .So zb heavy whatever the actual gross was and could have easily been well over 60 t payload so probably axle weights that killed the bridge.Chinese drivers versus Chinese engineers no contest.