just a quick update on my own case, had a letter from west yorks police, basics of it they are no longer pursuing the speeding ticket!!! wahay
i have sent my NOT GUILTY plea in the post along with a long letter, as much as i would like to attend court in person I am not able too due a being away on a pre booked holiday, i have put copies of tickets etc to prove this fact, we shall see what happens,If you’ve sent off a not guilty plea then they will arrange a new court hearing for the trial, so they post you a new date and ask you if you are available. So you should be able to attend you trial after all.
Has this been done & dusted or still waiting for a court date?
Speak to a solicitor.
lee mc67:
Speak to a solicitor.
Jeez, I was only asking
lee mc67:
Speak to a solicitor.Jeez, I was only asking
Hes bending over to pick up that bar of soap as we speak…
Still waiting to hear!
on wednesday the 4th January the case was heard in my absence, i was fined £350, £15 victim sur charge and £60 costs, totalling £425 to be paid by the 1st February 2012, also my licence is to be endorsed with 4 points, I am not happy with this decision and would like to appeal it, also there is no way on earth that i have £425 to pay the courts , i feel it is very excessive, and 4 pints could well mean me losing my job as an hgv driver, what can i do about this , in hindsight maybe i should of accepted the fine and points at the time but as i was not speeding why should i. i feel it has been dealt with very unfairly in my absence…any advice please
Go to the CAB asap they can help deal with this for you
update…on wednesday the 4th January the case was heard in my absence, i was fined £350, £15 victim sur charge and £60 costs, totalling £425 to be paid by the 1st February 2012, also my licence is to be endorsed with 4 points, I am not happy with this decision and would like to appeal it, also there is no way on earth that i have £425 to pay the courts , i feel it is very excessive, and 4 pints could well mean me losing my job as an hgv driver, what can i do about this , in hindsight maybe i should of accepted the fine and points at the time but as i was not speeding why should i. i feel it has been dealt with very unfairly in my absence…any advice please
Why was it heard in your absence?
As you were defending yourself without you actually being there you were obviously going to be found guilty and I also suspect that the judge would have been a bit annoyed that you opted to go to court but did not attend?
Animal is right though get yourself down to the CAB
totally my fault that i was not there, i moved house between xmas and new year and my father was taken ill and with everything else going on over xmas i completely forgot, i want to try and get a rehearing if i can so i can be there…
an annoying thing about this whole thing is that if i was unemployed i would of had full legal aid and maybe a solicitor would of got me off or i would of at least been able to pay small amounts each week…and not worry that it may affect my job… instead because i work i get shafted…
and 4 pints could well mean me losing my job as an hgv driver
And so it should. Driving about after drinking that much is just irresponsible. Won’t someone please think of whoever needs thinking of.
i wouldn;t mind 4 pints right now!
an annoying thing about this whole thing is that if i was unemployed i would of had full legal aid and maybe a solicitor would of got me off or i would of at least been able to pay small amounts each week…and not worry that it may affect my job… instead because i work i get shafted…
Not necessarily not sure where you get all that from but it dont happen only legal aid or some thing if not working but if you go to the CAB they can help write letters on your behalf go with you to a hearing weather working or unemployed this does have some effect
I’d be very careful here. If you were caught over the limit - you’ll never get off that if they have proof…
Courts take a non-appearance of the defendant as a direct insult - they will be highly unlikely to quash any sentence, whatever the reason you have.
And at a rehearing - they can increase the penalty as well as reduce it…
I’d be very careful here. If you were caught over the limit - you’ll never get off that if they have proof…Courts take a non-appearance of the defendant as a direct insult - they will be highly unlikely to quash any sentence, whatever the reason you have.
And at a rehearing - they can increase the penalty as well as reduce it…
it was not a drink driving offence , it was a speeding offence, read back through for a clearer picture of the situation so far…
I’d be very careful here. If you were caught over the limit - you’ll never get off that if they have proof…Courts take a non-appearance of the defendant as a direct insult - they will be highly unlikely to quash any sentence, whatever the reason you have.
And at a rehearing - they can increase the penalty as well as reduce it…
Think he put pints instead of POINTS just missed out a letter
…any advice please
You never heeded anyones advice in the first place. Infact when they advised, you argued. You could of just paid a small FP amount but now you have a full whack, and you still want advice? Here’s mine, this is a little secret and not widely known. Get a stick, rub it in dog ■■■■. The rub the dog ■■■■ on your forehead and under your armpits. The kneel down and chant…“ineverdidit,ineverdidit,ineverdidit,ineverdidit,ineverdidit”. And you won’t have any fine to pay when you wake up. Sorry, i nearly forgot to add, you need to do this ■■■■ and in the courts collection office. They might keep you for a while(few months) while you come out of your trance but you’ll have nothing to pay.
Well, that’s less serious…but all the same, my comments still stand.
To overturn a magistrates decision you will have to go up a notch and appeal to a judge. It would cost a fortune if you appealed and lost…and you could have your sentence increased…
I simply wouldn’t do it unless you have £5K or £6K you don’t need. If you represent yourself (cheaper), a decent CPS barrister will tie you in knots mate…I have a friend that does that very job and trust me -unless you know the law inside out, you wouldn’t stand a chance…
I’d accept it mate…it stinks, but sadly with speeding tickets they’ve got you all ends up.