Poundland fined £73,600

If you can’t find anything on a firm except “singing praises by themselves”, then guess who’s done that “online reputation management” thing that basically sets about deleting all poor reviews of themselves by threatening legislation against those that talk about “fined this, prosecuted that, bent the other”

Even on Amazon, if I’m buying something I’ve not bought before - I’ll look for something with a fair number of “reviews”, then read the lowest rated ones. NO low-rated ones makes me suspicious. If the present low rated reviews talk about “It took 29 days to get here dammit!” or “I didn’t like being served by an immigrant!” or other bull that has nothing to do with the actual product purchased - then I’m in!

Poundland didn’t get fined. The transport office of nameless individuals and nameless drivers got fined.

Fines and endorsements for doing bent things should have a list like the undischarged bankrupted list where you can find out the names and addresses of anyone to see if they are currently in an insolvent state. If not, the more we let these blighters off - the more they’ll do it in the future.
I’m buggered if I’m getting fined because some firm has said "Run bent, or no job sonny!" [zb] that! :imp: :imp: :imp:

If you can’t find anything on a firm except “singing praises by themselves”, then guess who’s done that “online reputation management” thing that basically sets about deleting all poor reviews of themselves by threatening legislation against those that talk about “fined this, prosecuted that, bent the other”

Even on Amazon, if I’m buying something I’ve not bought before - I’ll look for something with a fair number of “reviews”, then read the lowest rated ones. NO low-rated ones makes me suspicious. If the present low rated reviews talk about “It took 29 days to get here dammit!” or “I didn’t like being served by an immigrant!” or other bull that has nothing to do with the actual product purchased - then I’m in!

Poundland didn’t get fined. The transport office of nameless individuals and nameless drivers got fined.

Fines and endorsements for doing bent things should have a list like the undischarged bankrupted list where you can find out the names and addresses of anyone to see if they are currently in an insolvent state. If not, the more we let these blighters off - the more they’ll do it in the future.
I’m buggered if I’m getting fined because some firm has said "Run bent, or no job sonny!" [zb] that! :imp: :imp: :imp:

You do know this was started 3 years ago don’t you .

Poundland didn’t get fined. The transport office of nameless individuals and nameless drivers got fined.

Poundland have been fined many times, and the info is ‘out there’ to be easily found by those who put “Poundland fined” into a Google search.

An organisation who has had that many fines for such a variety of offences simply cannot remove all traces of it from the public record.

When I Googled it, I got bored after reading three pages of titles of ‘hits’ but there were plenty more.

It’s your choice as to whether you believe any of it though.

Their "robust internal systems’ let them down ?

Errrr, the drivers download their cards, the management see they’ve all been driving illegally and you reprimand them for it. I’m not sure how that can go wrong.

Unless they accidentally shredded all the documents, worked for the police when they were investigated. Or maybe they left the laptop on a train, a favourite of our government :unamused:


If you can’t find anything on a firm except “singing praises by themselves”, then guess who’s done that “online reputation management” thing that basically sets about deleting all poor reviews of themselves by threatening legislation against those that talk about “fined this, prosecuted that, bent the other”

Even on Amazon, if I’m buying something I’ve not bought before - I’ll look for something with a fair number of “reviews”, then read the lowest rated ones. NO low-rated ones makes me suspicious. If the present low rated reviews talk about “It took 29 days to get here dammit!” or “I didn’t like being served by an immigrant!” or other bull that has nothing to do with the actual product purchased - then I’m in!

Poundland didn’t get fined. The transport office of nameless individuals and nameless drivers got fined.

Fines and endorsements for doing bent things should have a list like the undischarged bankrupted list where you can find out the names and addresses of anyone to see if they are currently in an insolvent state. If not, the more we let these blighters off - the more they’ll do it in the future.
I’m buggered if I’m getting fined because some firm has said "Run bent, or no job sonny!" [zb] that! :imp: :imp: :imp:

You do know this was started 3 years ago don’t you .

Doesn’t make any difference. It’s an observation on how the web has evolved since I began online in the days of Prestel.
We used to say “The information age at our fingertips will only spread more quickly that information which we know to be untrue” as a paraphrase of the quote by Edward Murrow…
The internet is too often used as a tool about ‘who can lie from a distance, get believed, and deprive some poor third-party of some cash’.
The ratio (or rations!) of which each net user will get fleeced is a paradigm of:=
(1) how well they understand human nature and the way people behave when protected by distance and anonymity
(2) how cheap it is to “have a go at conning someone even if 99.9% of recipients won’t buy it”. If it’s practically free to ‘try and con’ - then more and more people are going to try and do just that.

Internet presence without physical presence is a dead-giveaway of conniving intent - IF one anonymous user is asking or demanding money from a third party they have no intention of ever meeting.
This, of course runs alongside what’s BEST about the internet - That which offers much, but demands nothing at all. Hobbyist websites right upto .orgs.

When spending money online - we should all be VERY careful who we’re even prepared to send it to…

Could be banging it on to break whilst loading/unloading .Some guy at a DCPC course said some drivers do this .

I saw this in this weeks Walsall Chronicle, I have searched online for more on this but cannot find anything as yet, this is the clip from the newspaper. That’s a tidy fine by anyones standard - or is it to a company that turned over more than half a billion pounds last year?

I saw this in this weeks Walsall Chronicle, I have searched online for more on this but cannot find anything as yet, this is the clip from the newspaper. That’s a tidy fine by anyones standard - or is it to a company that turned over more than half a billion pounds last year?

dft.gov.uk/pgr/roads/tpm/tra … issioners/
maybe thats an old Article?

Iwas there 3 months ago at the daventry depot. Arrived for a 8am booking, on the dock at 1400, left when it was dark, and I nearly run over a dog!!

maybe thats an old Article?

That was my initial thought but if it is an old article I would have found it somewhere on the internet, maybe it will pop up in the mag soon.

Iwas there 3 months ago at the daventry depot. Arrived for a 8am booking, on the dock at 1400, left when it was dark, and I nearly run over a dog!!

Ten years ago they were brilliant.

Iwas there 3 months ago at the daventry depot. Arrived for a 8am booking, on the dock at 1400, left when it was dark, and I nearly run over a dog!!

What kind of dog??

as usual key information is omitted to dramatise the story. joe publics perception may be that their drivers are driving for 12 hours without a break. in reality, they are going over their time by 12 minutes because of a delay on the motorway, probably closures due to roadworks!

Than god for that i thought they were selling their goods for over a £1 :laughing: :laughing:

Than god for that i thought they were selling their goods for over a £1 :laughing: :laughing:

It just shows what profit major companies like Tesco and Sainsburys are making, especially when you can buy proprietary brands like Lynx, Fairy Liquid and Lenor for a pound. I suppose Poundland had to cut corners somewhere…

:bulb: Have you seen what you get by putting “Poundland fined” in a google search? :open_mouth:

Let’s just say they’ve been to court before… :wink:

Id always assumed poundland was a DHL contract but reading that it sounds like they do their transport in-house.

Id always assumed poundland was a DHL contract but reading that it sounds like they do their transport in-house.

Yep own transport, they didn’t want to pay above a £ a mile for transport costs :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

coca cola kid:

Id always assumed poundland was a DHL contract but reading that it sounds like they do their transport in-house.

Yep own transport, they didn’t want to pay above a £ a mile for transport costs :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Yep, and they saved a fortune on mars bars. :laughing: :wink:

Id always assumed poundland was a DHL contract but reading that it sounds like they do their transport in-house.

they nicked 4 bays from boots in coatbridge. they used to struggle for space in the yard so the solution was to put another contract in there with more trucks :unamused: