Stobart speed limiters

who sets there limiters?2 of there scanias came past me yesterday and my satnav was showing i was doing 55mph and they didnt creep by,then i get to ibco in manchester and there both on the bays waiting to tip fizzy drinks,2hrs later i get to tip my 4 pallets,was i piffed off o yes!!! if i see one coming up behind me again ime moving into the middle lane,there not allowed in the outside lane yet are they?dont supose it will be long,and when it gets dark either theres get quicker or mine slows down!!! sour grapes you bet your biffin it is haha

I think it only happens at night, I had 8 trucks in a row all from different companies overtake me on the m6 near carlisle on thursday night and my truck does bang on 56mph, In the day I hardly get anyone overtaking me :confused:

who sets there limiters?2 of there scanias came past me yesterday and my satnav was showing i was doing 55mph and they didnt creep by,then i get to ibco in manchester and there both on the bays waiting to tip fizzy drinks,2hrs later i get to tip my 4 pallets,was i piffed off o yes!!! if i see one coming up behind me again ime moving into the middle lane,there not allowed in the outside lane yet are they?dont supose it will be long,and when it gets dark either theres get quicker or mine slows down!!! sour grapes you bet your biffin it is haha

You move into the middle lane when i’m coming up behind and i’ll just pass you on the inside, no [zb]ing problem.

Not that i drive for Eddie any more.

I think it only happens at night, I had 8 trucks in a row all from different companies overtake me on the m6 near carlisle on thursday night and my truck does bang on 56mph, In the day I hardly get anyone overtaking me :confused:

dont you know .■■ they get special permission from the queen to have speed limiters removed … thought that was common knowledge … :sunglasses:

What a donkey :unamused:

Moving out in the middle lane to block a slightly faster lorry?

Is your ■■■■■ really that small?


who sets there limiters?2 of there scanias came past me yesterday and my satnav was showing i was doing 55mph and they didnt creep by,then i get to ibco in manchester and there both on the bays waiting to tip fizzy drinks,2hrs later i get to tip my 4 pallets,was i piffed off o yes!!! if i see one coming up behind me again ime moving into the middle lane,there not allowed in the outside lane yet are they?dont supose it will be long,and when it gets dark either theres get quicker or mine slows down!!! sour grapes you bet your biffin it is haha

You move into the middle lane when i’m coming up behind and i’ll just pass you on the inside, no [zb]ing problem.

Not that i drive for Eddie any more.

Im with DaiDap here, id undertake you without thinking twice. You cant try and obstruct another lorry on the off chance they are going to the same drop as you, madness! :laughing:

So what if they are breaking limiter laws with fuses and magnets, they are running a heavy risk its not really your place to police it.

just where do you put a magnet?

just where do you put a magnet?

On the middle of your forehead :open_mouth:


just where do you put a magnet?

On the middle of your forehead :open_mouth:


I have no issues with Stobarts going faster than me, it just means they end up in the the hard shoulder on their arses as they have this week!!

Tortoise v’s Hare :laughing:

and yes if someone purposefully blocked me by moving into the middle lane they would still get left standing, by hook or by crook!

I’m limited to 60 and if you tried that trick on me I’ll use either lane 1 or 3 depending on other traffic. Its not up to you to Police the roads. If I’m in a good mood though I’ll let you keep your mirrors attached to the cab.

I’ve often thought that when there trucks pass at warp 10 and im cruising at the EU maximum warp 9, some trucks dont do 56mph, day or night, who ever calibrates there tacho’s must be very “generous” with some of the limiters :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


I think it only happens at night, I had 8 trucks in a row all from different companies overtake me on the m6 near carlisle on thursday night and my truck does bang on 56mph, In the day I hardly get anyone overtaking me :confused:

dont you know .■■ they get special permission from the queen to have speed limiters removed … thought that was common knowledge … :sunglasses:

they are also excluded from all WTD/Tacho rules as well, as they keep the county moving, as if there drivers pulled over for 45 min breaks the uk would grind to a halt within 44 mins :exclamation: :laughing: :laughing:

Cruise Control:
I’ve often thought that when there trucks pass at warp 10 and im cruising at the EU maximum warp 9, some trucks dont do 56mph, day or night, who ever calibrates there tacho’s must be very “generous” with some of the limiters :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

its funny you should say that , i’ve recently started to use a satnav ( and before anyones says it i had no choice ) anyway , all of the wagons in our fleet show 56 mph on the speedo but my satnav says 54mph …i feel cheated god dam it … :open_mouth:

Youre allowed by law,56mph (85 kph) plus 10%.

My volvo only does 55mph and i get overtaken by our New Scanias and Volvos all day long but that will change in April when we get our new trucks !!

I cant believe tht someone would try and purposefully block another truck like that,you ought to try it on the M6 on a Sunday morning when i go to work and see all the paddies flying down past Walsall!!,i’d pay to watch you try and stop them lol!!

Still till i get my new truck i’ll just poodle along,after all im paid by the hour and if they get there before me and i have to wait,then thats just more money in my back pocket!!

who sets there limiters?2 of there scanias came past me yesterday and my satnav was showing i was doing 55mph and they didnt creep by,then i get to ibco in manchester and there both on the bays waiting to tip fizzy drinks,2hrs later i get to tip my 4 pallets,was i piffed off o yes!!! if i see one coming up behind me again ime moving into the middle lane,there not allowed in the outside lane yet are they?dont supose it will be long,and when it gets dark either theres get quicker or mine slows down!!! sour grapes you bet your biffin it is haha

Unbelievable! :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

What a donkey :unamused:

Moving out in the middle lane to block a slightly faster lorry?

Is your ■■■■■ really that small?

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Youre allowed by law,56mph (85 kph) plus 10%.

My volvo only does 55mph and i get overtaken by our New Scanias and Volvos all day long but that will change in April when we get our new trucks !!

I cant believe tht someone would try and purposefully block another truck like that,you ought to try it on the M6 on a Sunday morning when i go to work and see all the paddies flying down past Walsall!!,i’d pay to watch you try and stop them lol!!

Still till i get my new truck i’ll just poodle along,after all im paid by the hour and if they get there before me and i have to wait,then thats just more money in my back pocket!!

I let them fly past and hope theyre going to the same drop as me,i will sit in the Q a bit longer if thats what it takes…im only in the truck for the money :smiley: :smiley:


just where do you put a magnet?

On the middle of your forehead :open_mouth:

BURN!!! :grimacing: :sunglasses:

who sets there limiters?2 of there scanias came past me yesterday and my satnav was showing i was doing 55mph and they didnt creep by,then i get to ibco in manchester and there both on the bays waiting to tip fizzy drinks,2hrs later i get to tip my 4 pallets,was i piffed off o yes!!! if i see one coming up behind me again ime moving into the middle lane,there not allowed in the outside lane yet are they?dont supose it will be long,and when it gets dark either theres get quicker or mine slows down!!! sour grapes you bet your biffin it is haha

You ever did that to me and id follow you to the next services that youd stop at and kick the Stupid outta ya!!! :imp: :open_mouth: