My Diary of events at VdB

I must apologise for my first post, it had my PMs in and that’s not allowed. Ignorance is no excuse so hands up, I ■■■■■■ up. I know some of the mods have better things to do then sensor my posts. :blush: :blush:

Sorry, this is going to be a long one and no where near as interesting as Neils Diaries but someone may find it interesting

I’d seen the job advertised on here and the thread regarding VbB:-

I looked on Google Earth to see where Erp was and I saw Weeze and Goch, hang on, I know these places. I got a Speeding ticket from Kevelear in '94. What was so special about it was the fact it was a photo of me and everybody else in the car, so clear it’s unbelievable. Anyway, I didn’t pay it cos it was sent to my Forces UK address via the BFPO.
Anyway, excited or what. I remember driving around that area and loved it, although in a New UK spec car but still…

On 21/06 I sent a message to Frans, it went something like this:-
"Do you think there is any point in me applying for a job with this Company?
Would they ‘teach’ me what I don’t know? It’s the total lack of any experience that is the problem, zero hours driving anything bigger than a Car since passing my test nearly 2 years is not really something I can ‘hide’. "

I cannot C&P his reply, but basically it said he can’t promise me anything but he’d think about it.

I then sent him another message that went something like this:-
"Hi Frans,

I’m 45.
I did serve as a Chef in the Royal Air Force for 12 Years, 3 of them in Laarbruch, Germany. I had no problems driving on the Continent, nice ‘proper’ Roads.
I drove a Car back from Portugal last year to my Home, 1500 Miles in 3 days, loved it.
To be honest, money is not the issue, I can manage quite easily for 3 Weeks or more without getting paid, that is NOT a problem. I don’t drink or smoke. The ‘issue’ is experience, or lack of.
I 'spose it depends on how desperate you are for UK Drivers, but how about I come over for 3 weeks or so, unpaid and you put me with another English Driver to show me the ropes and let me do a bit of Driving, then after this period of time allow me to apply for a job just like everybody else. That way you get to ‘use me’ for free and I gain much needed experience. All I ask is you cover my travel there and back, I’ll pay for my own food etc.
I do have ADR, have you seen my ‘Job Wanted Ad’ in the Vacancy section?

Let me know what you think and please be ‘blunt’, if you think it’s a bad idea let me know.

Thanks for your time.

Kind Regards,

His reply by PM was basically send him my CV along with a covering letter and he’ll think about it.
Here is a copy of my covering letter, private details removed:-
"Frans Van Hoof
Transport Manager
Van den Bosch Ltd

Dear Frans:
I am writing in response to your advertisement in TruckNetUK Driver Vacancy Forum for a HGV Driver. Based on the requirements listed in the advertisement and our PMs I feel that with a little ‘help’ from your Company I would like to apply for this position.
I am interested in finding a position that will last for at least 6 months.
I have enclosed my CV for your review. I look forward to further discussing opportunities with Van den Bosch Ltd. If you have any questions or would like to schedule an interview, please call me on 077#########.

Further to our PMs, I need to stress that I am totally inexperienced in regards to Commercial Driving. If I should meet your criteria for a Driver with ‘little experience’ , I would appreciate the chance to work with one of your Drivers for a couple of weeks to gain some much needed experience before I ‘apply’ for a more permanent position."

An interview was arranged for the 1st July at 1115hrs, Ummmmmmm that’s early and a long way to go, so I booked a Caravan ‘pitch’ for the day before, then I’d be ‘fresh’ for the interview and off I went with my Partner and doggy. I’d heard either on here or by MSN that there may be a Driving Assessment as part of the interview. I got suited up, no tie of course and I put my Boots in the car just in case I’m going on a drive. Arrived 30 mins early and I sat in my car for 20mins reading up tacho stuff and uncoupling again. Just before I turned in to the Car Park there was a VdB tanker, wow, excited. Glad I went out with an O/D (Thanks Paul) a few days ago and paid (£160)for 4 hours driving with an instructor on the Tuesday. Unfortunately it was a W&D but it was a ‘truck’ so all experience is good experience.

Interview went well and off I went on a Drive. Really mega excited, chatting to Mike I couldn’t wait to start. The Job was mine, it was meant to be. I love being on the Continent and my RAF days at Laarbruch was the best. You can go anywhere, explore, visit new sites, yes, yes.
I’d never driven an Auto Truck and it was nice and ‘easy’ for want of a better word. No kerbs or problems and my confidence just grew, until we pulled in at a service station and Mike said reverse in to that bay that was really tight. I got it in after a short while and he explained how to uncouple it the VdB way. OK, I’ll do it anyway VdB want it done, I ain’t fussed. Drove forward and then reversed and hooked it back on and off we went back to the Inn. We parked up and started chatting, what’s the downside to working for VdB, none that he could think of and I certainly could think of any. 3 weeks away from Family, hell, I’d spent months away in the RAF. Living in a Cab, bloody hell the cab is huge. Driving for 3 weeks and maxing out your hours, good, that’s why I’m here, to drive.
Anyway, Frans called Mike and obviously asked him how I’d got on, OK he said. Just like me when I first started he said. I got my Credit Card out and tried to ‘bribe’ him, lol. he laughed and told Frans. I could hear Frans chuckle. I was asked to go back and continue the interview.
I went back beaming from ear to ear, chuffed, this job is mine, I want it so bad.
It was agreed that I’d start on the 26th on a 5 day ‘trial’ where I could take the training at my own pace and if all is good and we are all happy, I’d sign a contract on the Friday (30th).
I didn’t ‘shout about it’ on TruckNet cos I was waiting for the email confirmation, I was still dubious, I wanted this so much something has to [zb] it up I thought. Anyway the Email confirming the Job came on the 15th. Everything was a rollercoaster from then, getting enough of everything to last me at least 3 weeks, finding the cheapest way over etc. Time sort of flew by, very excited but slightly apprehensive. Not because of the Language difference, Driving a Tanker, a new way of life or even being away from Home and my Family cos Europe isn’t that far and with Mobiles and Computers ‘problems’ can soon be sorted but I was apprehensive because I wasn’t sure how my Reversing would be. I bought a Caravan partly to practice reversing, don’t laugh, it’s true, and the only time we’d got to use it was for the Interview. When I put it back in it’s slot that was easy and first time. I know, different but hey…

Car packed by Friday, fridge full with food and soft drinks and in the car running off the mains, my Passport Credit Card loaded with 250Euros and about 250Euros cash. Saturday I cut the lawn and then we had a KFC for Dinner. I left at 2000hrs for Dover, about 25 miles from Dover I filled the Car up.
Got to the Ferry with 45minutes to spare, we loaded soon after and away we went. Full of [zb] little kids running around so I couldn’t get any kip.
Got to Calais at 0200hrs (I think) and off I went. I stopped in a Lay-by around 0400hrs for a kip but I couldn’t sleep. just dozed and woke many times. Never mind, I went for a walk and enjoyed the view.
Set off again for another 90 minutes and I stopped for a Coffee, hang on, that looks like a DHL wagon, I wonder if that’s Neil? I walked over but it was a German plated Wagon.

Sat nav was fab, lane guidance and good clear instructions. I had a very good drive and after a few stops I got to the Hotel about 1100hrs.

I called my Partner to Google Earth the Erp VdB yard and give me directions. WOW, this place is huge, I walked all the way around it, saw my home for the next year

and went back to the Hotel. I was a bit early so I had a coffee and then went for a walk around the village.
Got back around 1300hrs and got my room. Small but it’ll do the job. Laid on the bed and tried to sleep but there was 2 flies and they kept landing on me, bloody hell do I smell or something? dozed on and off until around 1700hrs and i woke to the rain again.
Had a quick wash and went down for dinner and a coffee, pork steak with sauce, chips, mash, mayo and green veg.

whilst eating i saw this chap come in, ummm he looks like a Brit I thought. he was, he bought a large beer and went outside. still ■■■■■■■ it down. half way through my meal he comes in again for another and goes out.
just about finished the barkeep said it looks like your colleague is here, a taxi has just turned up. in walks a big chap with a huge case. I introduce myself and off he goes to his room. I finish my dinner and order a beer. down came B (I’ll call him B to hide his real ID) and he asked for a beer and would I join him outside cos he wanted a Cig. (I quit 30 months ago to pay for a HGV driving course.) Anyway, we went out and had a chat, like ya do. This other guy asked if he could join us, he had a fresh beer. He introduced himself, I’ll call him J. Ya know how you get a first impression, well I got one of him and he was a ■■■■ head. I can’t be arsed with ■■■■ heads who drive for a living. J said he was on his 2nd week, he nearly got binned cos his driving was dangerous. [zb] me, if this ■■■■ head can drive I’ll have no problems I was thinking. J & B had another drink, then we all had another round and then J said his goodbyes, saying he was up driving with another Driver at 0400hrs. 6 hours away. I showed B the Yard/Compound and then we finished our beers and went to our rooms, about 2300hrs.I awoke at 0600hrs, all excited, looked out the window and it was still ■■■■■■■ it down. Make me chuckle as I remembered last night and J kept sitting in the rain, it was wetting his coat. B kept asking him to move out of the rain and then he pleaded with him to move. J kept trying to make light of it saying he’s doing his washing, tool. Can’t be arsed with ■■■■ heads.

I gave B a knock and we loaded our stuff into my Car and went for breakfast. Cold meat, Cheese, boiled egg and coffee, stale bread. Thank [zb] I have Weetabix and Fresh milk in my car for later on in the week. It did remind me of early shift at RAF Laarbruch, we had to do a continental breakfast option as well as good old UK stuff for breakfast. The cold meats and cheese was taken by people who couldn’t be arsed to come in for Lunch, they’d make butties.

We drove to the yard at 0810hrs and parked in the visitors parking slot, of course it was wrong and the dolly bird in reception could really help us. We had a drive round and parked in the Cleaners car park and walked to another big building where we met Caas(?) who tried to tell us where to go, his English wasn’t as good as some people I’d spoken to. He sped of on his push bike and we tried to follow. Found where we needed to go and met the 5 Germans. Only one spoke any English and that was to complain about the low wage he got at Felixstowe a few years ago. My German isn’t good enough to hold a conversation to my embarrassment. I got by when I lived in Weeze/Laarbruch.

Monday started of by Caas(?) taking our Driving license and Digitacho cards from us and checking them and writing something down. He asked if we had ADR, I told him yes but I’ve no experience. He looked shocked/confused. Not half as confused as me. I said didn’t Frans explain, he looked and said Frans who? Oooops, you just know where this is going. I don’t believe in God but I had a silent prayer hoping something had been ‘sorted’ for me cos if they are expecting an experienced driver they are in for a shock.
We got our keys to the wagons that we’d be living in for the next week.

He went with the Germans to another room and that just left me and B, this chap called Jaac turned up, introduced himself and took us for a walk, ■■■■■■■ it down. He explained what happens where. Nice and quite interesting.
We went back and he started telling us about this on board computer, how important it is.

Everybody signed their Contracts, apart from me. Mine was due to be signed on Friday if all went well and why wouldn’t it?!!!

We had lunch (large cheese omelette and chips, 7euros) and then I got my car and moved in. Really excited and my Fridge fit in nicely, along with all my other stuff. I completely filled the top bunk. Home sweet home.
bollox, I’ve just remembered I’d left my CD in the Stereo. :angry: :angry: :angry:

Back to the classroom and back to the Computer stuff until about 1630hrs. Went for Dinner around 1700hrs, huge portions and nice. Had a drive down to the village so B could get some supplies, there wasn’t anything I needed.
Got back, had a shower and a can of lager and hit the sack.

Tuesday, can’t remember what we started off with, classroom stuff then Willy said we will go for a drive, Yea, about bloody time I’m thinking. Nervous as hell but yea, bring it on.
B went first after I’d explained to Willy I’ve no experience. You just know when something isn’t right, I knew. B reversed out of the parking slot and was to reverse. He got in back after a while, then Willy explained how VdB uncouple and B did it, then hooked it back up. My turn, took longer to reverse but I got there in the end. No uncoupling cos Willy said there wasn’t time.
B, you’re driving first because you are experienced he said. Off we go. Why can’t I see the white line in my mirror Willy kept saying, didn’t know you needed to B said. “Yes” Willy said. We have burnt out the white lines in the middle of the road and put broken white lines along the side (about 2 foot in) to make the road look narrow, so cars slow down, he said. OK, whatever!!
When a vehicle came towards B he’d go to the right over the white line. “White line” Willy would holler. FFS on and on he went, the vehicle coming towards you must move not you!!! he said. WTF?, enough about B. My turn and he only mentioned the white line about 5 times which made me feel OK. I only caught 1 kerb corner, I know but…
Back to the Yard and Willy had a cloggy chat with Caas. ;I
asked if we could have a practice reversing in the Yard after we had finished the lessons. I think the answer was yes cos we got the keys off him. We ‘practiced’ for about 90 minutes in total. It was good.
Back to classroom stuff, little chat about the computer and other stuff and then finish at 1630hrs
Dinner, PorkSnitzell and chips with a mushroom sauce and that nasty Mayo. Nice meal but still too much.

Met some other Drivers and had a good chat. I went ‘home’ got changed and had a shower and then went to the Canteen for a chat and ONE beer. Some very nice Brit guys even though they aren’t English!!!

Next day, start at 0830hrs and meet Ferry, he said we would be going out for a drive. Me first, he asked me questions about reversing downhill into a ‘dock’, wtf. B had no idea what a ‘dock’ was. Ferry pointed to a loading bay,ahhhh I’ve never done it, but I’ll give it a go. Got it in the bay after a short while. Felt good.
I was driving first, Why can I see the white line he kept asking in between [zb] about with his phone. Willy said he needs to be able to see the white lines me and B said to Ferry." No" he said, blah blah let me show you how to drive. He took us down through a town centre, down some streets that are just wide enough for the wheels of the truck. They had raised kerbs. After a while I was back behind the wheel and did some driving, not 100% perfect, I’d say 80%, getting better and more confident. ■■■■■■ off that Willy gave us duff gen!! or did he■■?
When we stopped Ferry said I’m not very experienced or confident, (you don’t [zb] say.), maybe you should go back to the UK and get some experience. Didn’t Frans tell you about me I asked? Who? was his response. I said my driving wasn’t dangerous, was it? He said No. I said the speed would increase as I got more confident, he wasn’t listening. Playing with his mobile was more important than some English [zb] whole future.

Ferry and Caass had a long cloggy chat after we sat around for some time. Go for lunch we were told and come back at 1315hrs. That’s over an hour for lunch. I said to B we are going home, he said no chance, our driving wasn’t bad or dangerous.
1330hrsCaass came back and said we aren’t good enough and we are being sent home. WTF are you on about we both said, well we didn’t say it quite like that but …
He said he’d speak to HR, yea whatever. As if we’d fall for that bs. I said you can’t send me home. I’m meant to be here for 5 days, I have it in an email (I’d printed all our emails out just in case), can you read English, a little he said. Ah forget it I said. I chucked the folder back in my Car. I said Frans or Thijs must have spoken to you about me? I don’t know Frans and Thijs is not here. (he’s on holiday, 2 weeks left I think) was his broken English reply.
How about I pay for extra lessons out here I asked? Yes good idea he said, and proceeded to tell me about an English chap who’d booked a driving refresher before coming out. He must have thought I’d meant back in the UK. I meant here, local.

Pointless, where’s that wall I can bang my head against. I text Frans hoping he’s shed some light on this. He replied about 2100hrs saying no, blah blah
We both got a termination letter, mine said I’d get 3 nights out money andBss saying he’d get 3 Nights out money and 3 days pay.
We’d miss the BBQ that was booked for Friday because the Academy was closing for 3 weeks.

That’s it, cost me £60 to change my Ferry ticket from the 14th at Calais. My nights out money won’t even cover that. I’d booked it for the 14th AFTER speaking to Frans and Thijs.

Really upset, this was my job, I wanted it and everything was geared up to it. I was going to stay with them at least a year…
Now I don’t know what to do.

Again I’m sorry for the extremely long post, I don’t want people thinking I’m just some whinging [zb], I’m not and I’d have bent over for this job, if you what what I mean.

I never claimed to have any experience, I knew that to train me would cost more than an experienced Brit, hence me saying don’t pay me a wage. It was Frans that said I’d get Nghts Out money. I was happy with that.
I just wish I’d gone a week earlier or when it re-opened. Story of my life.

I’ve nothing against Frans, Thijs or VdB, I wish the information had filtered down. I want this job more than anything.
Pass the training and they look after you big style, nothing seems too much trouble for them.
Whinger, NO.
Upset, YES.

so sorry to hear youre tale i hope you get the job you so want good luck

gutted for ya man, i didn’t see that coming, i thought it was going to have a happy ending - lets hope it still does!


Unlucky mate.

Now, get in a wagon over here and get some hours under your belt.

so sorry to hear youre tale i hope you get the job you so want good luck

Thanks. :smiley:

gutted for ya man, i didn’t see that coming, i thought it was going to have a happy ending - lets hope it still does!


Something will turn up, I just can’t see it yet :cry:

Unlucky mate.

Now, get in a wagon over here and get some hours under your belt.

Will do, cheers :sunglasses:

Sorry to bring you back into the real world.At 45 years old you should really know that the chance of you driving tankers around Europe without experience(not sitting with someone else for a few trips) is not going to happen.Atleast give yourself a fighting chance by getting some driving work under your belt in the U.K.beforehand.
Consider it a lesson learnt,other sites are full of woes from drivers who sold-up and moved overseas only to discover they couldn’t cut the mustard.Best of luck finding your next job,quit all the bitter and twisted [zb],get on with life from today,forget what happened yesterday.

flat to the mat:
Sorry to bring you back into the real world.At 45 years old you should really know that the chance of you driving tankers around Europe without experience(not sitting with someone else for a few trips) is not going to happen.Atleast give yourself a fighting chance by getting some driving work under your belt in the U.K.beforehand.
Consider it a lesson learnt,other sites are full of woes from drivers who sold-up and moved overseas only to discover they couldn’t cut the mustard.Best of luck finding your next job,quit all the bitter and twisted sh#te,get on with life from today,forget what happened yesterday.

The guy I went with had 10 years Refer and Car Transporter experience under his belt. UK only but ‘experience’ nether the less.
I’m not ‘bitter and twisted’, wtf gave you the idea I was? :angry: pi$$ed off but that’s it. :unamused:


flat to the mat:
Sorry to bring you back into the real world.At 45 years old you should really know that the chance of you driving tankers around Europe without experience(not sitting with someone else for a few trips) is not going to happen.Atleast give yourself a fighting chance by getting some driving work under your belt in the U.K.beforehand.
Consider it a lesson learnt,other sites are full of woes from drivers who sold-up and moved overseas only to discover they couldn’t cut the mustard.Best of luck finding your next job,quit all the bitter and twisted sh#te,get on with life from today,forget what happened yesterday.

The guy I went with had 10 years Refer and Car Transporter experience under his belt. UK only but ‘experience’ nether the less.
I’m not ‘bitter and twisted’, wtf gave you the idea I was? :angry: pi$$ed off but that’s it. :unamused:

Doesn’t matter how many years experience you’ve got, doesn’t mean you will be able to drive lhd. I can drive a left ■■■■■■, but I still prefer rhd. Took me about 4 weeks to feel comfortable driving left hookers when I first tried.

I’m sorry to hear it. As I was reading your post, I really thought it had worked out for you and I was really disappointed to see that it hadn’t. I don’t know why they were so encouraging if they were going to do that to you. I think you posted very well considering how upset you must be.

Stuart, there is a world of difference between people wanting to drive in Europe with no experience and moving out here. I accept that tank work in Europe as a starter is a little much. Tanks are finicky at the best of times and there is much knowledge needed for work of that nature, but I think you were a little unfair. As for his being 45, well what of it? He funded his own licence, got his ADR and was willing to go for it 100%. If I were still in the UK running my trucks I would buy one for this guy today, and I am absolutely serious about that.

Steve, I will give it some thought and see if anyone I know is looking, or considering looking. I have one in particular in mind. Let me think about it and see what I can come up with. You showed an excellent attitude and, if you are serious about putting time in, I will ask. Can you get to Peterborough?

I’m sorry to hear it. As I was reading your post, I really thought it had worked out for you and I was really disappointed to see that it hadn’t. I don’t know why they were so encouraging if they were going to do that to you. I think you posted very well considering how upset you must be.

Stuart, there is a world of difference between people wanting to drive in Europe with no experience and moving out here. I accept that tank work in Europe as a starter is a little much. Tanks are finicky at the best of times and there is much knowledge needed for work of that nature, but I think you were a little unfair. As for his being 45, well what of it? He funded his own licence, got his ADR and was willing to go for it 100%. If I were still in the UK running my trucks I would buy one for this guy today, and I am absolutely serious about that.

Steve, I will give it some thought and see if anyone I know is looking, or considering looking. I have one in particular in mind. Let me think about it and see what I can come up with. You showed an excellent attitude and, if you are serious about putting time in, I will ask. Can you get to Peterborough?

Thanks for understanding. :smiley:
I am very serious about ‘putting time in’ and Peterborough is only 100 miles away, much closer than Erp or even Birmingham :stuck_out_tongue:

By the sounds of it you really give this your best shot, remember it’s all experience and none of it is wasted. I’m sure you’ll find a job soon and once you do then you should be away no problem.

Doesn’t matter how many years experience you’ve got, doesn’t mean you will be able to drive lhd. I can drive a left ■■■■■■, but I still prefer rhd. Took me about 4 weeks to feel comfortable driving left hookers when I first tried.

Glad it wasn’t just me who struggled when they first got a LHD truck, I thought that double manning would have made it easier, but in fact I think it made it worse, I really got to grips with it on my first trip on my own, as I could make small mistakes and deal with them without them being turned into some major event by the person sat next to me.

I will try to contact him later on over the weekend. He is a great guy, and I expect you will be closer to your home most of the time.

I will try to contact him later on over the weekend. He is a great guy, and I expect you will be closer to your home most of the time.

Thanks. :stuck_out_tongue:
Very interesting blog :smiley:

To Put a couple of things in the right perspective from my point of view:

When Steve contacted me through this blog, we had a couple of conversations.
Fair enough he stated that he had no experience, and asked if I could do anything for him.
I made very clear that I don’t make promises and don’t build air castles; I can only tell you how it is.
I told him, I would give it a thought and that I would never make a decision before I had done an interview.

  • We explained that we ONLY fly from Edinburgh, Leeds and Birmingham, where Birmingham for his location would be the preferred option.- We also explained that the commuting distance was quite big and he needed to take that in consideration (as this would affect his net income, by the cost of travelling to Birmingham)
  • After agreement that he understood this, we invited him for an interview.
  • I decided because of the location of the interview (all my trucks are based in Birmingham) to let him drive with one of my drivers, to see if there was any point, to even go further. This was not a driving assessment as Mike is one of my drivers and not an accesor, but if he wouldn’t be able to move the truck forward we would have stopped there and than.
  • Steve was aware that we would do some driving, and invested time and money to improve his skills, we appreciate that very much, but we never asked for it.
  • We told Steve when he came back that we would give him a chance, but we wouldn’t offer him a contract until he passed the first week in Erp.
  • We tell every driver during the interview, that Van den Bosch is not your mother, we can not take you by the hand, we advertise for drivers and that is what we want.
  • We explain every driver that we have a mixture of FM12 and FH12 LHD and RHD, we need every driver to be able to drive both, because of flexibility.
  • We agreed we would pay the flights to Weeze, taxi form Weeze to Erp, the Hotel, and breakfast and Dinner for that week.
  • On top we would pay only night out money, as we took as risk that he would fail because his lack of experience.
  • Steve understood that and agreed.
  • Thereafter Steve contacted us, if he could use the Ferry as this was for him more convenient, we told him he could but we would only reimburse the cost what we pay for the flight ticket and will do that with the payment of the night out monies. (the taxi has the same cost for us, if there 1 or 3 drivers in it)
  • Steve decides to take the ferry and drive to Erp, fine with us.
  • I heard that both drivers had failed on that Wednesday, and got a message from Steve later on my phone.
  • I contacted him later that night ( I have a life as well and cannot react always in the next 5 minutes) to tell him sorry to hear, but there is nothing I can do.

What did Steve expect, that I phone Mister Van den Bosch and say listen: “the bloke has failed, but can you still employ him and send him with GBP 400.000 worth of equipment and load on the road?
That I say to Van den Bosch, aye Steve is a nice geezah, so give him 40 hours one 2 one driving training?
Steve, I am sorry but this is the real world, if you can’t do the job, you have to go, we gave you a chance, you didn’t make it, I put my neck out for you in Erp to give you a chance, but we need to move forward, we are not the army or the government where they have time to invest, we have trucks standing there waiting to get rolling.
You are not the only one, people did not pass before and send home, and after you there are many to follow.
Average on the Germans 4 out of 10 fail, the Uk pilots are much less than that (1.5 out of 10) so we thought we gave you a fair chance (Bob we never put a gun to his head that he had to take the job)
If you think you where mislead, that’s your opinion.
I think I been always honest and open to every one, and I think most people who I work with or who I interviewed can agree. (I am not perfect, but who is?)

We never at any point asked any driver to invest in any equipment, like fridges, satellite or whatever else that is your own choice.

You did know in advance that there was a risk, so did I.
We took the risk on the chin and have a truck standing now, so our cost are still growing, until a new driver start, but we don’t complain about it.

I will leave it with this and no hard feelings from our side, because I don’t do personal feelings in a business!

Good Luck Frans

What did Steve expect, that I phone Mister Van den Bosch and say listen: “the bloke has failed, but can you still employ him and send him with GBP 400.000 worth of equipment and load on the road?
That I say to Van den Bosch, aye Steve is a nice geezah, so give him 40 hours one 2 one driving training?
Average on the Germans 4 out of 10 fail, the Uk pilots are much less than that (1.5 out of 10) so we thought we gave you a fair chance (Bob we never put a gun to his head that he had to take the job)
If you think you where mislead, that’s your opinion.
Good Luck Frans

Why have You have just repeated what I’ve said in my Diary :confused: :confused: :confused: I don’t understand?

Why did I text you? Hoping you would contact Caas and explain to him what you had told me would happen. WE would have liked to be given the chance to finish the week, 2.2 days is not getting a chance when 95% of that time was talking in the classroom about your Computer.

Nuff said on the matter, time to move on. You seem like a nice chap so let’s just leave it. :unamused:

Sorry to hear that to failed at interview/assesment, but on the other hand, you tried to jump a bit too high (from chef in car to tanker driver)(fair enough, shows courage and determination) and then, “tanker training at van den bosch, NL” will lok good on your cv :wink:

Sorry to read you failed, but don’t you think it is time to drop it and move on■■?

Having worked for the Dutch I’ve found them to be very reasonable to work for, hard taskmasters but very fair…Move on…

Sorry to read you failed, but don’t you think it is time to drop it and move on■■?

Having worked for the Dutch I’ve found them to be very reasonable to work for, hard taskmasters but very fair…Move on…

What ya on about :confused: :confused: This is a diary not a whinge. Didn’t you read it? :unamused:

Yea sure…MOVE ON

Yea sure…MOVE ON

After you :unamused: