Quick update
Image problems
We have adapted the template for three forums ,Where am I, Photo and Old Timers as these are the image heavy forums, these can now “spread” to allow large images.
This will not be implemented on any other forums so dont bother asking
We are looking to build some code that will automaticaly convert old posts that have HTML image links to the BB code thats needed on here, We have a small fix in pace now but it doesnt convert every post,In the mean time Denis F has gone through many many posts and manually converted them
Phantom Grey box
Is a minor but annoying issue , and is on the “to do” list
I am working my way through the mails of guys who have forgotten their passwords, Hold tight I will get to you !
All password problems notified to me by e-mail have had their password reset, please check your e-mails - If we have requested that you re-register and you are using a free e-mail address such as Hotmail or Gmail ensure you put in the Occupation box the word DRIVER or the spam filter may delete the registration
Google adverts
I now have the contact in charge of the Google account and will be getting certain adverts removed from here, In the mean time I have had the entire Google ad code removed
I dont intend this to seem rude, But this change/upgrade is not reversible…
We HAD to upgrade the forums to the latest version as there is a well known security issue that we could not patch on the outdated version.
The adverts are also not negotiable - RBI is a publishing company like any company they exist to make a profit, we dont charge to use you TruckNet UK and make revenue from people who want to advertise their products to you- if the adverts bother you too much there are free advert blockers you can down load, and the firefox browser also will block them. It is worth remembering that the money from those adverts do give you benefits, at the party there will be money behind the bar, and we will be at Truckfest Peterborough providing a free hospitality area for members.
Change is never easy, and with an upgrade from the psoition we started at is technically difficult, Techman has worked his socks off to get this up and running, and to be honest the few (albeit annoying )bugs we have are minor considering we could have lost every single post. Brian also managed to do the upgrade very late at night to reduce disruption and completed 5 hours quicker than we thought.
A lot of effort had gone into this , and thought to balance your requirements with the requirements of the website owners - have we got it perfect? of course not but we are trying extremly hard to give you the website within the restrictions of it having to be a viable title within RBI’s portfolio