Chepstow - the other way.?

usually go over the m48 bridge - but there may not be tags tomorrow (and i ain’t paying) - after a quick look, i assume it is off at J11 and in via Newport.

There is a bridge down there, 15 foot dead if i remember, and its a bit tight and windy, ok though!

in via newport? dont get you on that one, come off at gloucester, j11 , down the A48 past lydney into chepstow, 1 low bridge, a bit twisty but i go down there with 18metre long plate all the time no bother at all

Your right, I meant the road to Newport - Thanks for the info - will get under bridge quite happily

Depending where you’re coming from I would’nt consider going north up the m5 to save on the bridge has its a long way around.The extra diesel more than out ways the £16.30 toll.I Would let your boss know and ask for the money in advance.The lowest bridge on the A48 is 4.3 mtrs

The A48 from Gloucester to Chepstow has 3 low bridges, the lowest is 14´3" at Newnham on Severn, if you do decide to go through Newnam, after you go through the town, at the top of the hill you will go past the church, there is a really tight corner there with high walls each side, you will be forced onto the wrong side of the road and really need to be careful there, otherwise no probs you will save 16.30 every journey for your boss and probably get bugger all in return :laughing: .

Just noticed you are from Derby, so it has to be the M50 then east on the A48 its a lot easier, especially if you’re loaded.

Run at 14’6" - coming from Derbyshire (I’ll bring my own snow :slight_smile: ) - loaded for Tesco/Chepstow. was told by the driver who did the run on saturday, that he had to go the ‘long way’ (cough, allegedly someone forgot to pay the bridge tag bill, cough allegedly) - could all be sorted by tomorrow, but just trying to do a bit of planning.

In my experience, from joining the M5 at Tewks, the difference between going North to the M50, and then down to the M4/M48, is about 20 minutes longer than M5/M4/M48.

If you are coming from Derbys, presumably M42/M5, then the difference would be about ten minutes. And on the M50, if you happen to have some, ahem, overheating problems, :wink: then the verges are festooned with daffodils in the Spring. :laughing: And towards the arse end of the year, there are masses pf luscious blackberries just begging to be picked. :blush:

Besides which, on the raised lay by towards the bottom of the A449, there is a Burger Van. Whilst I’ve never been too sure as to whether it provides a satisfying meal, or a poor man’s version of ‘colonic irrigation’, to date, I have yet to encounter the latter. :stuck_out_tongue:

Salvesons at Evesham used to insist all drivers had to use the A48 to Chepstow rather than the M50. The time was about the same but the A48 is shorter and slower so they reckoned - cheaper.