BBC Traffic Cops 20/08/15

Watching this and our illegal immigrants are featured in this episode, North Yorks plod arrest them hand them to UKBA who will let them go no doubt , personally i would not arrest them and allow them to progress their bogus claim for asylum in this country and wasting lots of tax payers money for the police processing the zb’s, who conveniently claim not to understand english total ■■■■ take

That’s a bit of a narrow minded view tommy t.
You know nothing about the individuals.
Maybe if you were in their shoes you would do the same.

The trouble is albion,reading your missives over the years,you,and your opinions are the only ones that are right,

I know a lass that works in the benefits office and she says the majority of her customers are white English that try and claim for everything including money to feed the pet gold fish.

Just watched this drivel. ■■■■■■■■ woman gets her dog back that ran off, then the thing runs off again.

So Dumb and Dumber in an unmarked car go after it for her. Good use of police resources that.

That’s a bit of a narrow minded view tommy t.
You know nothing about the individuals.
Maybe if you were in their shoes you would do the same.

I personally could give a toss, they were like most or them, young males of fighting age, not women and kids , they aren’t fleeing anything but poverty, and they have no right what so ever to live here and be supported by the state

My changes to the farce that we have as immigration rules would be as follows

1,If you want to come to this country be considered for asylum here you have to apply for it from your country of origin or first safe country that you have reached , Not once you are in already the uk, illegally

  1. All those who stow away on lorries and enter this country illegally with no formal identification will not be considered for asylum and be deported ASAP without exception

3, all failed asylum seekers who are on the run will be deported without exception once in custody, Immigration needs to be controlled This give to the immigrants and take from our own mentality by government has to stop too

4, Those who repeatedly seek to break the rules will keep being deported , deportation will be to France or other previous country if known, where re repatriation isn’t possible, and that would be in the back of a secure trl not afforded the luxury of a coach ( akin to the police horse boxes ) used to transport people to and from prison

The days of all are welcome are well and truly over or would be if i was in charge, i don’t need to grow a pair like the out of touch selfish muppets in government mine are big enough,

The trouble is albion,reading your missives over the years,you,and your opinions are the only ones that are right,

Trouble, no trouble here. Of course I think my opinions are correct. Most people do do they not?
This is an internet forum for giving opinions and discussing different subjects.
Would you like to discuss something? Maybe your views on bad driving? Anything? Go on lets have a discussion. You pick the subject. Can’t say fairer than that.


The trouble is albion,reading your missives over the years,you,and your opinions are the only ones that are right,

Trouble, no trouble here. Of course I think my opinions are correct. Most people do do they not?
This is an internet forum for giving opinions and discussing different subjects.
Would you like to discuss something? Maybe your views on bad driving? Anything? Go on lets have a discussion. You pick the subject. Can’t say fairer than that.

YAWN :unamused: :unamused: joeshell drunk incharge of a typie thing lol :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

they were like most or them, young males not women and kids , they aren’t fleeing anything but poverty.

You know that for sure do you? Have you ever been to their country? Do you know what goes on? I have been and it is certainly not as simple as poverty in a lot of cases.

they were like most or them, young males not women and kids , they aren’t fleeing anything but poverty.

You know that for sure do you? Have you ever been to their country? Do you know what goes on? I have been and it is certainly not as simple as poverty in a lot of cases.

don’t need to they are on the blag no ways about it, it been allowed to go on for too long hence the issues at calais i stand by my 4 rules

So this is what you day men do with all that qaulity time at home you get.
Watch sheet tv…then argue about it.

tango boy:


The trouble is albion,reading your missives over the years,you,and your opinions are the only ones that are right,

Trouble, no trouble here. Of course I think my opinions are correct. Most people do do they not?
This is an internet forum for giving opinions and discussing different subjects.
Would you like to discuss something? Maybe your views on bad driving? Anything? Go on lets have a discussion. You pick the subject. Can’t say fairer than that.

YAWN :unamused: :unamused: joeshell drunk incharge of a typie thing lol :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Oh dear what have I done. :laughing: Never come across joeshell before. :laughing:

So this is what you day men do with all that qaulity time at home you get.
Watch sheet tv…then argue about it.

What argue , me? :open_mouth: :slight_smile: I was just reporting what i had observed in case some others may find it interesting ,as i thought it in some way important to us all with all the other crap that is going on like terrorism and calais issues , lorry drivers & companies being ripped off by UKBA when these assoles are found on-board our trucks , then you have the government saying we are skint and cuts are needed
blah ,blah blagshaft, but then on the other hand are welcoming and giving handouts to people who don’t really like us ,our culture, but who see the uk as an easy touch because we feel sorry from them, dee bloody dumbs , due to the bbc and co with their pro migration propaganda/agenda

Truthfully we cannot sustain this, many of the british population have had enough and don’t want them here plain and simple, it’s not about race or colour, we are full

As for the TV being mainly sheeite i totally agree with you , hence why i have never paid for a tv licence ,or bought any subscription based TV

Just joshin with ya :wink:

Tory Tommy the Daily Mail reader.

Tory Tommy the Daily Mail reader.

I hate both in particular the selfservatives they are in it for themselves just like the last tory light labour government in particular when B-liar the war criminal was at the helm, But we have to face the facts we are a small densely populated island , and the infrastructure needed isnt there , and the money that would be needed to build it and run it isn’t there, So we cannot keep this open door policy , maybe those ill informed do gooders should house and support these bogus asylum seekers /black market labourers out of their own pockets instead of relying on the failing state to do it, that includes medical treatment why should the already overstretched NHS provide it free to them ?

Just watched this drivel. ■■■■■■■■ woman gets her dog back that ran off, then the thing runs off again.

So Dumb and Dumber in an unmarked car go after it for her. Good use of police resources that.

They should have taken that dog strait to the dogs home instead of faffing about chasing it,the ■■■■ head was more concerned about dropping her ■■■ and not fit to have a dog,no wonder the dog kept doing a runner :imp:

seth 70:

Just watched this drivel. ■■■■■■■■ woman gets her dog back that ran off, then the thing runs off again.

So Dumb and Dumber in an unmarked car go after it for her. Good use of police resources that.

They should have taken that dog strait to the dogs home instead of faffing about chasing it,the ■■■■ head was more concerned about dropping her ■■■ and not fit to have a dog,no wonder the dog kept doing a runner :imp:

And looking at the location the dogs home is just round the corner.
What a waste of a valuable resource chasing that bloody dog, surely they could of handed that job over to a normal beat Bobby and got on with dealing with the serious criminals?
I get the feeling that not much was going on in North Yorkshire at that time, a lost dog, boy racer crash, shop lifter and a couple of illegal immigrants?

Tory Tommy the Daily Mail reader.

I thought it was Tommy from the EDL

I bet that less than one in ten thousand illegal immigrants - actually has a fatwa out on them.

“No Papers, No speke English” does not and will never mean that any of them do. :imp:

How many homosexuals from Iran have we taken in so far?
How about White Christian Women from Somalia, Yemen, or Afghanistan?
How about white persecuted individuals from any state ruled by a foreign-office designated Nutcase?
How about Mexicans fleeing from the oncoming tyranny of Donald Trump? :stuck_out_tongue: