Quick question- WTD

If I start work at 1200 and have 2 10 minute breaks, is my six hours up at 1800 or 1820■■?


10 Min breaks don’t count, to have a break it must be a min of 15 mins, you can show 10 mins poa though!!

18:00 as your two 10 min breaks won’t count, it has to be a minimum of 15 mins.

– Mobile workers must not work more than 6 consecutive hours without taking a break.
– If your working hours total between 6 and 9 hours, working time should be interrupted by a
break or breaks totalling at least 30 minutes.
– If your working hours total more than 9 hours, working time should be interrupted by a break or
breaks totalling at least 45 minutes.
– Breaks should be of at least 15 minutes’ duration

your six hrs will be up at 1820 but by then you must have taken 15 mins continuous break which you wont have done

This has got to be a wind up :open_mouth: :unamused:

your six hrs will be up at 1820 but by then you must have taken 15 mins continuous break which you wont have done

18.00 the 2 X 10 Min breaks are nil and void lol :laughing:

tango boy:
10 Min breaks don’t count, to have a break it must be a min of 15 mins, you can show 10 mins poa though!!

10 mins doesn’t count as a wtd break but it still counts as break not work


tango boy:
10 Min breaks don’t count, to have a break it must be a min of 15 mins, you can show 10 mins poa though!!

10 mins doesn’t count as a wtd break but it still counts as break not work

No it don’t as break has to be 15 mins at least or it isn’t reconised lol :unamused: :laughing: :laughing:

tango boy:

your six hrs will be up at 1820 but by then you must have taken 15 mins continuous break which you wont have done

18.00 the 2 X 10 Min breaks are nil and void lol :laughing:

they are not nil they are ten mins which dousnt count as work


tango boy:

your six hrs will be up at 1820 but by then you must have taken 15 mins continuous break which you wont have done

18.00 the 2 X 10 Min breaks are nil and void lol :laughing:

they are not nil they are ten mins which dousnt count as work

Ok :laughing: :laughing:

tango boy:


tango boy:
10 Min breaks don’t count, to have a break it must be a min of 15 mins, you can show 10 mins poa though!!

10 mins doesn’t count as a wtd break but it still counts as break not work

No it don’t as break has to be 15 mins at least or it isn’t reconised lol :unamused: :laughing: :laughing:

so are you saying if you have 10 mins break from driving it still count as driving cos it aint 15 mins

FIGHT!! :laughing:

It’s just bloody confusing. The situation is I got to a place to load at 1700, sat getting loaded for ten minutes (while on break, naughty naughty) then he asked me to move so I moved then sat for another ten minutes, done this a couple times then realised my six hours was up at 1800, ooooppss. It says six hours of work, not six hours from the last half hour break, if you know what I mean.


tango boy:


tango boy:
10 Min breaks don’t count, to have a break it must be a min of 15 mins, you can show 10 mins poa though!!

10 mins doesn’t count as a wtd break but it still counts as break not work

No it don’t as break has to be 15 mins at least or it isn’t reconised lol :unamused: :laughing: :laughing:

so are you saying if you have 10 mins break from driving it still count as driving cos it aint 15 mins

It counts as other work not driving but its not a break either as a break has to be 15 mins long at least!!

Right, just checked me print out. My first break was 20 mins long, so does that mean my six hours was up at 1820■■

I Have an head ache :cry: :cry: :cry:

tango boy:
I Have an head ache :cry: :cry: :cry:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Right, just checked me print out. My first break was 20 mins long, so does that mean my six hours was up at 1820■■

If it’s a 2nd generation tacho, then it works on majority minutes of activity. So if you have it on break and move your truck a few feet, then it will record the full minute for whatever the most activity was in that minute.

31 seconds of break and 29 seconds of driving will record as 1 minute of break.

So technically you could move your vehicle whilst on a break and not interrupt your break.

So yes, your time was up at 18:20 and the clock reset (up to the 9 hour rule)

Your display would have told you how much break you had or even a quick printout of driver 1 day :wink:


tango boy:


tango boy:
10 Min breaks don’t count, to have a break it must be a min of 15 mins, you can show 10 mins poa though!!

10 mins doesn’t count as a wtd break but it still counts as break not work

No it don’t as break has to be 15 mins at least or it isn’t reconised lol :unamused: :laughing: :laughing:

so are you saying if you have 10 mins break from driving it still count as driving cos it aint 15 mins

Tango Boy, please step away from the keyboard, to save yourself from further embarrassment by making factually incorrect posts :wink:

there’s a good boy :wink:

oh, that applies to Honked as well :wink:

a break is a break, regardless of time duration

if you are not doing other work, or driving, you are either on POA or a break

you can have 5 minutes break if you wished, BUT, it would not count as either an EU drivers hours or WTD break

it is still a break, non the less :wink:

so, to now answer the OP’s question, start at 12:00, take 2 x 10 minute breaks, your 6 hour rule would extend until 18:20

It’s just bloody confusing. The situation is I got to a place to load at 1700, sat getting loaded for ten minutes (while on break, naughty naughty) then he asked me to move so I moved then sat for another ten minutes, done this a couple times then realised my six hours was up at 1800, ooooppss. It says six hours of work, not six hours from the last half hour break, if you know what I mean.

just to clarify a point that you have raised, a break of minimum 15 minute duration will reset the clock as regards the 6 hour rule

example 1)

work and drive for 6 hours, 15 minute break, can then legally work and drive for another 6 hours, providing that the driving time does not reach 4 hours 30 minutes

example 2)

work and drive 2 hours, 15 minute break, work and drive 6 hours, 15 minute break, there again, providing that the driving time does not reach 4 hours 30 minutes