That video is a nice bit of corporate sounding twaddle, I have to say.
Private companies profiteering in a capitalist economy, wow shocking.
My opinion (and it is just an opinion)…
ADR is simply a course you sit, takes a few days, much like a HGV licence. These boys aren’t a band apart.
It irritates me that they consider themselves part of the oil industry, and clearly nothing whatsoever to do with the road transport industry.
I get tired of hearing “the most dangerous profession”. Yes you carry inflammable goods, yes you could die if you plough into the back of someone or they plough into you, but then so could any of us driving on the roads. Any truck driving is technically dangerous, but the statistics can be made you look any way you want them, and the probability is frankly low.
Industry wide fairness for all drivers, not just petrol tankers. How many of us can boast having a decent company pension scheme, or even sick pay? How many of us get more than the minimum statutory holidays or pay increases each year in line with inflation?
It could be argued that we all deliver essentials in one form or another. Any economy based on rampant consumerism, like ours, all sorts of junk is essential. If people stop spending on crap they don’t need, the whole lot goes down the toilet. Capitalism is based on the principle of debt and spending.
Any product on a small island has to be delivered by road to be economically viable.
If this is truly about safety concerns, i’m a monkey.