What will 2013 be like for the transport industry

How do you see 2013 for us (drivers )

Will the job get better
Will the pay get better
Will the roads get better
Will the other road users understand us

Or what else do we have to look forward too.


I believe in 2013 weve got Bulgarians and Roumanians coming over in droves,something we can all look forward to eh ?

Or what else do we have to look forward too.
get job better-i think just depend from where you live.what company around you.
get better pay-no.
get better road-not possible imprvove road condition for 1 years.just if paint new line marking.
other road users will be understand us less and less.
what possible change in next 1-2 years?really nothing.can change just stupit tachograph rules and penalty for this infrigiments.
must sale motorway services to diferent company.this can help,because will be competition between company.but job condition ,pay rate-all depend from bussines ,profits.but i think will be more worse.because company start use double deckers,company closed small Depo,build new depo with much more better acsess to major road,so less milege,hours for same job,so less numbers of drivers.

Or what else do we have to look forward too.
get job better-i think just depend from where you live.what company around you.
get better pay-no.
get better road-not possible imprvove road condition for 1 years.just if paint new line marking.
other road users will be understand us less and less.
what possible change in next 1-2 years?really nothing.can change just stupit tachograph rules and penalty for this infrigiments.
must sale motorway services to diferent company.this can help,because will be competition between company.but job condition ,pay rate-all depend from bussines ,profits.but i think will be more worse.because company start use double deckers,company closed small Depo,build new depo with much more better acsess to major road,so less milege,hours for same job,so less numbers of drivers.

Immigrant in disguise. Lol

It’ll be what drivers make of it, if they keep moaning and groaning about pay and conditions whilst doing nothing about it whilst simultaneously applauding idiots who drive through the picket line of those who wouldn’t take it bone dry, then nothing will change.

If drivers insist on voting for the same three cheeks of the same arse political party who have proved time and time again since the early 70’s to be traitors who have consistently handed sovereignty and freedom of our country away and allowed millions to come here to overpopulate the land, the same freedoms that millions of good men and true now lie in cold foreign soil long before their times defending, if you continue to vote for them despite all they do to destroy our home then nothing will change.

If drivers vote for those who poke our country’s noses into other peoples affairs and send the cream of our youth to war zones with all the risks that entails for no good bloody reason, and believe the lies and spin of the politicians, then nothing will change.

If drivers vote for those who insist on non stop immigration and constant ever deeper borrowing then don’t be surprised when the country’s road network grinds to a complete halt and an ever higher percentage of your declining wage gets taken back in tax of one form or another.

There is no bloke who wears his underpants outside his trousers going to fly in and put our country right, it is up to us, working people, to do so, we can make a start by no longer doing as we are told by the bought and paid for media at election times, we could indeed take our attention from a pint of beer and the latest soap reality or dance show and bloody think.

We could try our best to stick up for each other instead of sticking knives in each others backs, we could gain some respect for ourselves by acting like the professionals we claim to be, then we might earn the title professional and earn respect.

In our own lives we can make a start by chasing the good jobs, the ones with good terms and conditions, and if lucky enough to get one we can do our bloody best to make sure that job runs well and the company profits and grows thereby securing our own futures too.

Paying as little tax and interest as possible is a good start too, don’t borrow more pay the things off that you have borrowed for as quickly as possible, don’t buy things you don’t need, starve the beast.

Or do the other thing, carry on maoning about our lot and join the others in the race to the bottom.


Or what else do we have to look forward too.
get job better-i think just depend from where you live.what company around you.
get better pay-no.
get better road-not possible imprvove road condition for 1 years.just if paint new line marking.
other road users will be understand us less and less.
what possible change in next 1-2 years?really nothing.can change just stupit tachograph rules and penalty for this infrigiments.
must sale motorway services to diferent company.this can help,because will be competition between company.but job condition ,pay rate-all depend from bussines ,profits.but i think will be more worse.because company start use double deckers,company closed small Depo,build new depo with much more better acsess to major road,so less milege,hours for same job,so less numbers of drivers.

Immigrant in disguise. Lol

if you want you can count me to imigrant.no problem.but some immigrant have moch more IQ or knowledge for rural people,who was borned in live in one City or country.and this is not Uk problem.We can see in different country when some African or Eastern Europian people working for management ,for drivers,buy house,get better car.but some people who borned and live in one city have nothing.all depend.i am not racist,but i see every day some English drivers who can t sort out paper work,cant fill all correctly,

some English people not happy work for 30K per years for lorry drivers.but i know to many English drivers who very ,very happy about 27 k .all depend



Or what else do we have to look forward too.
get job better-i think just depend from where you live.what company around you.
get better pay-no.
get better road-not possible imprvove road condition for 1 years.just if paint new line marking.
other road users will be understand us less and less.
what possible change in next 1-2 years?really nothing.can change just stupit tachograph rules and penalty for this infrigiments.
must sale motorway services to diferent company.this can help,because will be competition between company.but job condition ,pay rate-all depend from bussines ,profits.but i think will be more worse.because company start use double deckers,company closed small Depo,build new depo with much more better acsess to major road,so less milege,hours for same job,so less numbers of drivers.

Immigrant in disguise. Lol

if you want you can count me to imigrant.no problem.but some immigrant have moch more IQ or knowledge for rural people,who was borned in live in one City or country.and this is not Uk problem.We can see in different country when some African or Eastern Europian people working for management ,for drivers,buy house,get better car.but some people who borned and live in one city have nothing.all depend.i am not racist,but i see every day some English drivers who can t sort out paper work,cant fill all correctly,

Made me laugh this post. Thank you. :wink:

everyone knocks the immigrants, and i can see why, do i agree? i do think though that they should not have access or rights to benefits and NHS ect till a time period as passed… but why are they here and how come they can get a job pretty much straightaway coupled with poor english, when we have 1000,s of british born folk long term unemployed… stop the benefits and get them back to work,


cracking post mate,could’nt agree more.

everyone knocks the immigrants, and i can see why, do i agree? i do think though that they should not have access or rights to benefits and NHS ect till a time period as passed… but why are they here and how come they can get a job pretty much straightaway coupled with poor english, when we have 1000,s of british born folk long term unemployed… stop the benefits and get them back to work,

Many good points mate but there is a substantial proportion of the uk unemployed who have no intention of working.

more british back to work,less imigrant will be here.second problem one,some people who was in benefits 5-10 years don t want,can t work.this people can do just 20 percent of normal production level,becouse him boxes to heavy,he cut fingers,him sick back.,they get stress from everythink ,and run again to doctors.


everyone knocks the immigrants, and i can see why, do i agree? i do think though that they should not have access or rights to benefits and NHS ect till a time period as passed… but why are they here and how come they can get a job pretty much straightaway coupled with poor english, when we have 1000,s of british born folk long term unemployed… stop the benefits and get them back to work,

Many good points mate but there is a substantial proportion of the uk unemployed who have no intention of working.

ta, but if they stopped the benefits then they would have no option but to work,and if this work was monitored so that they do a reasonable job then hopefully a decent % may get back to work?

■■■■■■ me off the other night some friends relatives never worked and one of em have being doing some cash in hand work and got caught so benefits were stopped just before xmas, they were complaining about the scum who work for benefits agency, threats on ■■■■■ book to burn office down ect,then 20 mins after a post that they were sat in a pub with a pint and a smoke?? now ffs me and my wife work full time and going to the pub for us is a bit of a luxury…

+100 Juddian I totally agree,This is what it will take for change, but the problem is that this so called government has already got those who are fortunate enough to have a full time job, fighting those who are unemployed/sick /disabled and whilst this is ongoing the government is evading scrutiny from them, can they not see the smoke screen?
Also dle1uk How can you expect those who are unemployed to compete with our somewhat unwelcome guests , when typically they will share a small house /flat (6-10 people) therefore share their cost of living IE gas/ electricity, rent ,council tax ,food even, when you average Englishman, Scotsman,Welshman,Irishman won’t live like that ? the cost of living dictates what they will/can work for, & that cost of living in this broken country is down to this and previous government meddling!! they do not care about the average working class man/women they don’t give a stuff about you either, so why repeat their propaganda?

Also if you and anyone else think that if there was 0% unemployment and no welfare that you would not be paying as much vat income tax Nat ins,fuel duty duty on booze and tobacco,then you are so wrong, Fact is that if that was the situation it would have a very small impact on this recession because they (political leaders ) will never give up their life of luxury and being overpaid,along with helping themselves from the public ■■■■■ (expenses) not to mention tax avoidance too

I would love a major revolt, but i guess the next best thing is to get the current tossers out of power before their term is up, and replace them with a political party that is for the people(if such a thing exists)

fortunate enough to have a full time job? personally i would and have cleaned toilets rather then sign on,its not repeating any govt propaganda cos i dont vote as i dont believe a word any of them say, its my own pride which was installed in me by my parents and in them by their parents ect today though the only thing installed in a lot of families is how to dodge the system,and blame others.

fortunate enough to have a full time job? personally i would and have cleaned toilets rather then sign on,its not repeating any govt propaganda cos i dont vote as i dont believe a word any of them say, its my own pride which was installed in me by my parents and in them by their parents ect today though the only thing installed in a lot of families is how to dodge the system,and blame others.

Pride,lol i at one time had that, i did agency work just not to be on the dole, where did that get me? in debt that’s where weeks with no work,weeks offered more than i could pratically let alone legally do, it’s no good, landlord wants paying council want paying ect ect , the way things are set up doesn’t help you, in fact it can easliy become a case of be proud/honest get screwed by government ect, or play em at their own game and screw them dog eat dog,
But it’s no lifestyle choice as they would like to claim,
Reality is , no money , can’t do anything, can’t even relpace clothing when needed, but at least you can keep a roof over your head and food in your belly, i didn’t create that they did, so iv’e been there so i know that this government spouts bollox regarding it

come on guys were going of track a bit :wink:

How do you see 2013 for us (drivers )

Will the job get better
Will the pay get better
Will the roads get better
Will the other road users understand us

Or what else do we have to look forward too.

i reckon stobart will go bust…again :grimacing:

come on guys were going of track a bit :wink:

How do you see 2013 for us (drivers )

Will the job get better
Will the pay get better
Will the roads get better
Will the other road users understand us

Or what else do we have to look forward too.

Well you did ask the question , was more spouts bollox not festive enough for you then,lol?
But on a serious note it’s looking bleak,very bleak,sorry but that’s what most will think can’t help that i’m affraid , But you never know the DCPC might get scrapped the imigrants may all go home,the price of fuel charged at pumps and by the utility companies may drop dramactiaclly ,you never know, or it could be another year like the last 3yrs

tommy t:

come on guys were going of track a bit :wink:

How do you see 2013 for us (drivers )

Will the job get better
Will the pay get better
Will the roads get better
Will the other road users understand us

Or what else do we have to look forward too.

Well you did ask the question , was more spouts bollox not festive enough for you then,lol?
But on a serious note it’s looking bleak,very bleak,sorry but that’s what most will think can’t help that i’m affraid , But you never know the DCPC might get scrapped the imigrants may all go home,the price of fuel charged at pumps and by the utility companies may drop dramactiaclly ,you never know, or it could be another year like the last 3yrs

Hope its not as bleak as the last 3 years mate, there as to be something good coming for us drivers (apart from are p45s) :wink: