Pink chalk,free meals+police escorts



You’re joking, right? :unamused: :unamused:

no this was last thurs night,about 7 p.m at tesco peteborough

I didn’t mean you were joking about it happening. I meant you are surely joking with these questions. :unamused:

But just in case your not.

1.why do coppers use PINK chalk to mark round your wheels,whats wrong with white,blue,green etc,it happened at 2 different rdc so there must be a reason :question:

It didn’t

2.can coppers demand free meals for drivers[driver said he had a right slap up,made a pig of himself] :question:

No. He didn’t, the driver is a total zoomer/bulb/trumpet/roaster.

ady1: it legal to ■■■■■■ you when youve run out of hours,what happens in the event of a accident,isnt £750 a bit steep as i dont think the way he said it the sevices was far away[fool if you ask me as he could of stayed for free on bay and had a slap up meal in morning courtesy of coppers

£750 was just a figure he plucked from his ■■■ along with the rest of his story. No he couldn’t.

Ady, this is a long running driver’s myth and has so many holes in it you could drive an artic through it, well as long as you weren’t out of hours and stuck on a chalked off bay. :wink: They missed a couple of bits out of the usual version. 2/3/4/5/6 bays were coned off either side of them. The shunters and office staff were warned if they woke the driver up they would be arrested. They did add a bit of colour (no pun intended) to this version by specifying pink chalk, that’s a bit of a new twist.

Something else to note, unconnected but it may interest you, they have removed the word gullible from The Chambers Dictionary.

i may be gullible but they seemed genuine enough chaps to me, as ive said unless youve run out on a bay[i havent], you can only believe/listen to driver who have.

are you saying coppers would ■■■■■■ him to services for nothing :question: im sure theyd of charged something i cant see them doing it for nothing,£750 granted sounds alot, but who knows