To clear a few points up;
Statute Barred for hours offences is 6 months. However, a pattern of offences that is older than that could be drawn to the attention of the TC, especially if they are reoccurring. Hence, one of the reasons charts / records have to be kept for 12 months.
False records; stat bar is two years.
Digital tacho cards were designed to hold 28 average days of activity. An ‘average day’ consists of 93 activity changes, most of you will get nowhere near that figure. If your ‘working day’ has fewer than 93 activity changes then you will have more ‘working days’ stored on your card. If your ‘working day’ has more than 93 activity changes, then you will have fewer than 28 days stored on your card. The vehicle unit works in a similar way, although it deals with 365 average days and 256 is the activity change number it looks for, remember, VU’s may have to deal with a multi-manned journey or double / triple shifts, a driver card doesn’t… So far the record goes to a driver involved in trunking work, 333 ‘working days’ on his card