Advanced warning ; Woobly box season is looming

Prepare for Lgv parking full of Portapotty carriers.
Grand children running around the Lgv parking.
With the video of the Nolans lorry versus a Wobble box in Glastonbury and the incident on the M6, are Wobbling boxes really a secret terror campaign to cause chaos and carnage on the roads.
One had Windows open, nearly decapitating Police officers standing in the hard shoulder.

If they park in the HGV parking bit then I will just park in front of them.

And park by the Wobble box when their windows are open and rev the bollo55cks off the lorry engine to smoke them out.
If they moan, say you got an air leak.

Live and let live, just folks who cant afford a proper holiday mucking about.
Be wary of crashing in to them and then looking like an idiot on facepalm.

Also it has been known for these Darwin candidates to let the kids play in the wobblebox whilst travelling down the motorways… :open_mouth:

If they park in the HGV parking bit then I will just park in front of them.

OMG you ■■■■■

Live and let live, just folks who cant afford a proper holiday mucking about.
Be wary of crashing in to them and then looking like an idiot on facepalm.

Also it has been known for these Darwin candidates to let the kids play in the wobblebox whilst travelling down the motorways… :open_mouth:

I suppose its a good way of not having to put up with the, " are we nearly there yet" in your lug hole every 5 mins :smiley:

Live and let live, just folks who cant afford a proper holiday mucking about.

Yawn yawn here we go again !!

Last week i went into pererborough service area for my 45 it was fairly empty cuz it was a saturday. As i was coming in there was a car with a trailer parked across 4 spaces…there was loads of spaces to park for me but i parked right in front of him just to teach him a lesson that you dont park like a c…t by doing that some other drivers were laughing but unfortunatelly the bloke in a car didnt think it was funny. lol

but unfortunatelly the bloke in a car didnt think it was funny. lol

I share his view also. :unamused:


If they park in the HGV parking bit then I will just park in front of them.

OMG you ■■■■■

That’s because his truck fits as he doesn’t drive a bendy.

If Motorway services supplied dedicated caravan parking bays, like at Warwick Northbound, Wetherby and Ferrybridge for example, then it wouldn’t be an issue, but they don’t so where the hell are we supposed to park them as we can’t use the car area? We don’t REALLY want to use the truck parking area as, though we “■■■■ in a bucket” according to legend that is still preferable to paddling around in puddles of ■■■■ left by HGV drivers who are presumably trying to cool their overheated brakes?


Ive just been talking to a fella who is looking forward to the next bank holiday,because he is going to his caravan in North Wales.
He tells me that its a ’ static ’ caravan,and he pays £3800.00 per year to have it at this particular site.

I cant quite work out who is more insane. The person who connects their vehicle to a fibreglass potty shed,and takes it to chavsville,or the person who has a larger plywood version, who pays to have it in chavsville all year round??

Theres no shame in not being able to afford a proper holiday.

See you guys on the M4 next week, if you can catch me! btw don’t have to reverse it got a “motamova” how sad is that :exclamation: :laughing:

Live and let live, just folks who cant afford a proper holiday mucking about.

Sorry Dave, I can’t agree with this. I could afford to go on holiday anywhere in the world, but on my next week off, I’ll be on my narrowboat yet again. It shares many of the characteristics of a caravan- tin box, chemical toilet, often raining outside- but I’d sooner have a week on the North Oxford canal than a month in Barbados.

I do agree with you about “live and let live” however.



If they park in the HGV parking bit then I will just park in front of them.

OMG you ■■■■■

That’s because his truck fits as he doesn’t drive a bendy.





If they park in the HGV parking bit then I will just park in front of them.

OMG you ■■■■■

That’s because his truck fits as he doesn’t drive a bendy.


Until you do keep out the big boys conversation :slight_smile:

Ive just been talking to a fella who is looking forward to the next bank holiday,because he is going to his caravan in North Wales.
He tells me that its a ’ static ’ caravan,and he pays £3800.00 per year to have it at this particular site.

I cant quite work out who is more insane. The person who connects their vehicle to a fibreglass potty shed,and takes it to chavsville,or the person who has a larger plywood version, who pays to have it in chavsville all year round??

Theres no shame in not being able to afford a proper holiday.


What a judgemental dimwit.

(Static) Caravan dwellers aren’t chavs. Such a viewpoint suggests a narrow mind and a delusion of grandeur.

Buck up.

Haha-im not the one who bites harder than a pit bull.

Haha-im not the one who bites harder than a pit bull.


Well done. I bit.

If provoking a response was your aim then fair do’s.

Don’t get me wrong mate-I still think you are a nutter if you enjoy dragging your toilet around Britain with you.