Hgv and diabetes

been discharged from hospital after having a bad asthma attack …while i was in hospital i had 4 blood test done for chemical levels i think they said…well all of these blood tests came back with high sugar levels in my blood…ive now been told after i have finished a course of steriods…i have got to go to my gp for diabetes tests…ive been told if i have diabetes i could loose my hgv entitlement …im in the same position as a lot of people my age 34 yrs of age young family …after been told this im now a little worried …


A read of this may help

Dont worry too much 34 years young if it is diabetes it will be Type 2 and if you go on medication you will be able to retain vocational licences, if however you do not control it and go on to insulin then you will forfeit your vocational licences.
I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes 4 years ago I am on 3 different drugs for that and simvastatin for cholesterol I duly informed DVLA and they are not even monitoring me and I am 62 have both LGV Class 1 and PCV, also notified my insurance company didn’t even want to know, there are thousands of people walking round with diabetes that don’t even know, if it is diabetes you may well have to go for regular blood tests to start but once they have stabilised it you will go every 12 months and if you do go on medication then all prescriptions are free, hope this helps, DO NOT WORRY !!

cheers friar…just worried what worst case would be…ive worked hard like a lot of people…got nice house …happy family and a good job with stobarts and dont wana loose it all …cant afford too lol…

You can lose your HGV if you are Diabetes Type 1,or,if you do not show improvement when on Medication.
In some Case it will be treathed with a Diet,but only a small Number of Patient is that Lucky. I expect you get Tablets.
But much more worst.
Diabetes can kill you,or you may lose Bosyparts :exclamation: